Lets Research!

Follow these quick and easy steps for easy research!

  1. Where are you going to keep your information? Have a dedicated notebook, set of notecards or create a file in your Google Drive. Your teacher might even give you an organizer.

2. Choose your research topic and come up with questions you want to learn more about.

3. Time to research!

Destiny - search books in the Media Center

Kidtopia - search engine

Kiddle - search engine

Fact Monster - search engine

Galileo- search engine and online encyclopedias

Britannica- online encylcopiedia

National Geographic For Kids - online encyclopedia

Biographies - information about people

Biographies- information about people

4. Make sure as you are gathering facts you write down where you got the information from.

5. Organize the information you have found.

6. Using your organized research, complete your assignment.