St. Simons Elementary 

A long, long, long time ago, there was only one elementary school on St. Simons Island...

As a fitness craze swept the nation in the Seventies, then PTA members Creta Nichols and Vickie Myers organized the very first Super Dolphin Day run in 1978 to encourage students to become more physically active. They christened the race "Super Dolphin Day" for two reasons: because the dolphin was the the mascot of this one island elementary school and because the new version of Superman starring Christopher Reeves had just been released in theaters and was captivating children across the country. They thought the combination of the Superman (note the dolphin's cape) and the school mascot would get the students excited about the race. Guess what? It worked! The first race included only the one-mile fun run; however, it was so successful that the PTA decided to make Super Dolphin Day an annual tradition. Eventually, they added a 5K and 10K race as well as a pre-race pasta party held the night before the race.


In 1994, St. Simons Island opened a second elementary school, Oglethorpe Point Elementary.

Since 1994, St. Simons Elementary PTA and Oglethorpe Point Elementary PTA have worked together on this event which now attracts over 1,500 participants and spectators annually. This event has become a great opportunity for local businesses to support both schools through sponsorships and silent auction items. 

Where does the money go?

Proceeds from the race are split 50/50 between both schools. The PTAs then combine their portion of the proceeds from Super Dolphin Day with money raised from their other events to purchase items at both schools to enrich the students' learning experience.