Indigenous Planet

Equal Human and Territorial Rights for Native Indigenous Peoples as Non-State Actors

Service Support Program of Globcal International

Indigenous Planet (iPlanet)

Acknowledged as Exempt Non-State Peoples

Indigenous Planet is a facilitated international non-state non-governmental Free & Fair Trade commerce platform for Amerindian, Native American, Indigenous, and Aboriginal Peoples that produce or manufacture handmade, homemade and cottage-craft artisan goods and/or cultural traditional gifts; that further qualify for special acknowledgements and exemptions under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Sustainable Development Goals, the Hague Convention on Private International Law and other conventions of the United Nations.

Our program helps indigenous peoples know and exercise their sovereign rights as the earth's first and foremost humans, creates new appreciation for the origin of life, and eliminates the middleman by creating an advanced blockchain sales market among friends (members).

The products we shall offer across our platform are directly provided by indigenous peoples, packaged and sent by indigenous or exempt rural sub-culture facilitators of destinations where we are providing access to global markets for these unique products and artwork not previously understood or possible. By engaging internationally recognized individuals in providing direct and distributed shipping through Globcal International's goodwill ambassadors they can be shipped duty free and members save money while the indigenous people (producers) gain a better more profitable return for their labors and efforts, making it possible to live a better life and escape poverty.

Indigenous Planet and the Free & Fair Trade project is a development of Globcal International with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that additionally conforms with most guidelines proposed by the UN Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives (COPAC). The platform is tax-free, duty-free, and each commercial transaction is exempt from customs between cooperative members and global citizens.

Global Ideals

Most indigenous peoples are either considered invisible or absent from much of the processes of national politics; but more and more today the last known cultures that can be legally recognized from the international perspective are those that remain in-tact as native societies living in territories that are wild and remote. They are frequently bypassed on most issues involving strategic national planning, mining, and the use of resources that exist in their territories. What remains of the integrated indigenous cultures that have been assimilated by society remains with them and their rights to pursue cultural diaspora. It is so true that indigenous people slowly lose many special rights once they leave their communities.

Most societies and cultures protect indigenous people that travel to cities and places they are not adjusted to, yet despite the permitted exemptions, law enforcement and the norms of the society cause people to change until they eventually become part of a social place.

Understanding Indigenous Peoples Special Rights

Our program is developed to allow indigenous people to perform practical fee-simple commerce involving traditional crafts or products notwithstanding the nation-state by virtue of their rights as peoples protected under international treaty.

Now the coffee farmer can earn the $3-5 per kilo they deserve for the best coffee beans instead of 15-30 cents a pound. This alone makes a big difference to families that can barely afford the basic necessities of life.

"To understand the indigenous culture and perspective you shall need to stop understanding much of what you already know as your own reality."

-Col. David J. Wright, Philosopher

Indigenous Peoples' Day

Globcal International and the Goodwill Ambassador Foundation support Indigenous Peoples' Day as an international holiday on the second Monday of October each year. The organization is a sponsor of events and activities held around the world through the social media and has several Facebook pages that emphasize the replacement of Columbus Day and Discovery Day. The ideal of imperialization of cultures is both demeaning and intoleralbe from our perspective. The original peoples of the land cannot be replaced or forgotten.

In addition to Indigenous Peoples' Day we support the indigenous people directly of Central and South America through awareness events and the media.