Global Jaya School


2023 - 2024

PYPX Journey

We are delighted to share our journey in which students apply their skills and knowledge from the previous years within PYP. Our PYPX is outside the PoI, where students were involved in a self-initiated inquiry with local and global significance. We want to become lifelong learners through this journey, where we continuously learn, reflect, and act in meaningful ways. 

Best Regards,

Year 6 students and teachers. 

The Primary  Pedagogical Leadership Team

Head of School

Pak Cory

Deputy Head of School

Ibu Dewi

Primary Principal

Ibu Lavesa

Primary Dean of Students

Pak Rully

PYP Coordinator

Ibu Windy

The Teaching Team

The Year 6 teachers and specialist teachers played an important part throughout the students' PYP Exhibition journey. These teachers were there, shoulder to shoulder, with the students throughout the process, starting from identifying students' topics of interest, creating students' personal inquiry questions, designing criteria for their products, to providing students with support based on their needs.

We would like to acknowledge the efforts and dedication these wonderful teachers have provided to the Year 6 students throughout their Exhibition journey for the academic year of 2023 - 2024.

Year 6 Teachers

Pak Joni

Ibu Siti

Pak Casey

Coordinator & Specialist Teachers

Ibu Windy

PYP Coordinator

Pak Alwan

PE Teacher

Ibu Harna

PE Teacher

Pak Jon

PE Teacher

Pak Eka

Religion Teacher

Ibu Mariani

Religion Teacher

Pak Tisno

Religion Teacher

Ibu Margaretha

Religion Teacher

Pak Nanda

Religion Teacher

Ibu Dayu

Religion Teacher

Ibu Nadya

Music Teacher

Ibu Primi

Visual Art Teacher

Pak Ahmad

Library Teacher

Ibu Ninggar

Primary School Counselor

Ibu Reni

Learning Diversity Specialist

Ibu Dece

Learning Diversity Specialist

Ibu Hyuna

Learning Support Specialist

Ibu Nova

Learning Support Specialist

Ibu Redy

Language Support Specialist

The Mentors

As part of the PYP Exhibition process, the Year 6 teachers provided opportunities for teachers and pedagogical leadership members from the other year levels and different programmes to become mentors for the Year 6 students in their PYP Exhibition journey. 

We extend our gratitude and appreciation for these wonderful mentors' efforts and cooperation with the Year 6 students to support them on their PYP Exhibition journey.

Ibu Sue

Philo was a great communicator. She was very responsive to email and planning times. When I met with her, Philo was very organized and had good ideas. She needed some suggestions to help her focus her thoughts. Overall, she was a joy to work with. I am looking forward to the exhibition! 

Ibu Lavesa

As a mentor, supporting and guiding Eden through his project has been a privilege. Speaking with him about what inspires him and watching him absorb new knowledge and feedback has been immensely rewarding. This experience has reaffirmed my belief in the power of education to empower and inspire young minds to think about the world they live in and create meaningful change. I look forward to seeing the impact that our students will definitely have as they continue to pursue their passions and make a difference in the world.

Ibu Dewi

During my interaction with Manggala as a mentor, I was impressed by Manggala’s efforts when he tried to paraphrase and rewrite content to answer his inquiry and conceptual questions. It demonstrates a commendable commitment to authentic learning. If he can continue this habit, it will also help enhance his critical thinking skills. Since I only met him in a very short time, I am looking forward to seeing his final presentation and also his cooking skills!

Ibu Ashley

Nathan demonstrated strong communication skills by initiating meeting opportunities in a respectful and responsible manner. He came prepared to meetings and asked thoughtful questions that showed a deep level of understanding of his area of inquiry. He responded well to feedback and suggestions. Nathan is very self-directed and took ownership of his PYP exhibition process.

Being new to GJS this year, Beverly faced the challenges of the PYP exhibition process with commitment and focus. She was principled by making sure she came to meetings prepared, and was open-minded to my suggestions. Her inquiry into littering and how it affects animals is a subject she is passionate about, and she independently engaged in related action by participating in the GJS Clean Up Saturday that took place this year.

Pak Jared

It has been great to watch Darren grow during this experience. He continues to improve by expanding on his ideas and adding more details to his learning. I appreciate the way Darren enjoyed learning about his topic and his willingness to interview and ask questions if he didn’t understand something. I look forward to seeing Darren express his confidence during the exhibition. 

Ibu Karen

Amar showed true passion and enthusiasm for his chosen topic and was very knowledgeable. My main responsibility was supporting him with organising his thoughts and how to share his information with the wide audience during the PYPX showcase.

Pak Achmad

As a mentor, I was impressed with the student’s ability to carry out independent and self-organised learning during the PYP Exhibition. Mentoring sessions were great as we both engaged in discussions about the process. It was an excellent experience to see how the student consistently demonstrated a genuine passion for exploring the chosen topic and developed knowledge, skills, and learner profile attributes.

Ibu Reni

I truly appreciate the bravery and principle displayed by Beren in working on her exhibition. Despite the continuous support provided, Beren's dedication and commitment to her work, ensuring that the passion she enjoys is shared and appreciated by all participants, are truly remarkable. Keep up the great work!

Ibu Arunna

It is really a great experience for me to be Daniya’s mentor. She chose anxiety as her topic, which is really interesting for me because she has concerns related to mental health. She makes a good effort to do research about the topic and sumarize the ideas that she got from various sources. She came to every meeting with a clear question and made significant progress every time we met.

Pak Howard

I enjoyed the opportunity to support Aurora with her PYPX journey. She focused on a very creative and innovative idea–the use of art as therapy. During our meetings, Aurora was organized and prepared to discuss her project. She asked important questions to seek feedback, and she was open to suggestions. Her project demonstrates growth and maturity as a student since she took seriously the opportunity to explore a topic of importance to her. I wish her good luck when she displays her project at the PYPX showcase. 

Pak Robert

It was a great pleasure to work with Anka and Ian again.  My first experience with these two young gentlemen was online in year 3.  It was so gratifying to see how well they have developed their analytical thinking skills.  They can truly demonstrate their passion for the role entrepreneurship has with supporting our larger community.

Ibu Luci

It was impressive to see the students get the opportunity to acquire new knowledge, skills, and experiences and develop their agency in learning through the exhibition process. Their exhibition inspires others to take action related to their chosen topic.

Ibu Agra

Max and Asfrid show their extensive research skills. They come to me prepared with their material each time we have a progress meeting. They are very passionate about their projects. They actively seek information to ensure they can produce informative and engaging presentations for their audience during the exhibition. It is rewarding to see them connect on how their personal interest could have a greater impact on society. 

I wish Max and Asfrid the most amazing time during the exhibition! 

Consideration that could be taken for the upcoming PYPX: 

It would be a great help if supervisors have a checklist on what the students need to include in their presentation slide/PYPX report so we can also monitor whether or not all components of the project are fulfilled.

Pak Shane

The experience of mentoring is always interesting and always different.  The student I mentored is obviously knowledgeable and passionate.  My role as a mentor was to listen and offer advice and structure.  The Exhibition will be an experience from which both mentor and mentor grow. I wish all students the best. I look forward to this year’s PYPX.

Pak David

For a new student, Jehan seems to be able to adapt well. This shows when we work together during the PYP Exhibition. She is able to explain clearly all her progress during our weekly meeting. Jehan also has clear goals that she wants to achieve every week. It is a pleasure to be working with Jehan, and I am looking forward to seeing the final results on PYP Exhibition Days.

Pak Nick

Katherine was an excellent mentee. She investigated things independently, asked for help when necessary, and was determined to create a memorable Exhibition project. She needed little guidance. Most of my mentoring was directing her towards reputable sources, urging her to synthesize information to the best of her ability, and suggesting to make things as transdisciplinary as possible under the umbrella of her subject. 

Pak Eka

Almeera is a knowledgeable student, especially when explaining her goals and targets. She is also on time to meet with her mentor. 

Pak Aji

Knowing about Rayyan’s exhibition about drums has made my excitement rise high. From the start, I knew this would be an exciting journey for both of us. Many interesting conversations come into our ideas as we embrace music and drums from our hearts. The challenging part is making people who are not really into music and drums interested in drums. That is our main focus despite the presentation that will take place more. However, Rayyan and I are excited and looking into this year's exhibition. 

Ibu Endang

I like her exhibition ideas about interior design. Valeia is a genuinely friendly, cooperative, and reliable student. She has set clear goals and has worked consistently towards achieving these goals. She is encouraged to continue and build upon her established study pattern to exploit her full potential. However, some actions need to be taken to support her findings, such as interviewing an expert in design. She needs more time.

Pak Alwan

Mentoring Nabila was easy, Nabilla knows about her project so well. She was also able to explain her goal for this exhibition and always wondered about mental health in sports since mental issues in sports are essential. I wish her good luck when she displays her project at the PYPX showcase. 

Ibu Dece

I really appreciate how the student started the idea for PYP Exhibition by being curious about phenomena that happened around her. By doing PYP Exhibition, the student also practices managing her time and planning ahead what she wants to achieve each week. Another thing that needs to be appreciated is how the student grows and learns how to research, write, and communicate her curiosity towards the topic she chose.

Ibu Anik

I am pleased to have Jessica’s mentoring time. She is full of energy to show her work and also curious to ask questions about her project. She can explain really well what she has found and is determined to complete her research. 

I look forward to seeing the exhibition!

Ibu Diana

This is an excellent opportunity to accompany the learning journey, guide and complete assignments during the mentoring sessions. I admire and appreciate the students' persistence, hard work and efforts while preparing the exhibition. I believe that all the efforts that have been made will be satisfying with great results. Congratulations on moving forward with pride and a smile.

Pak Nanda

I enjoy the mentoring session. I appreciate my students' efforts always to take notes and listen to advice and suggestions given. I’m excited to see the final result in their exhibition.

Pak Ahmad

It is a great opportunity to have mentor sessions with Max as he has shown his enthusiasm for the mentor meeting. He has demonstrated a good knowledge of the topic he investigated. And as a mentor, I can also learn and try to give some advice on the topic for his project. I am very excited to see the Exhibition.

Ibu Ninggar

Kira has shown genuine passion in the topic of art and mental health and open-mindedness throughout our discussions which I admire very much. I could see how her topic understanding grew deeper and clearer as we went through the mentor meetings, as she explored further with guidance and feedback from all teachers involved in supporting her journey. I appreciate her effort and communication - even though we needed to reschedule a few mentor meeting time slots due to the school schedule and holiday, Kira still pushed through her exploration, and that is more than I could ask for. Best of luck for the PYPX, Kira!

Ibu Redy

I appreciate the students’ bravery and principle in taking risks in choosing a topic for them to learn and present. They spent so much time doing the research and collecting the data needed. I believe they have given all they could to make the exhibition happen. Good job, students! Let’s have fun and show them your very best.  

Pak Cory

I have appreciated working with Jaeyden as she has such a clear vision for what she would like to investigate and communicate through her finished product. She has demonstrated strong organisational ability, and combined with a willingness to onboard constructive feedback she has made promising progress. I am very excited to see the culmination of her efforts, her presentation and engagement with community members as she shares her PYPX journey.

Ibu Nadya

Nandra was dedicated to setting and achieving weekly goals during the preparation for the PYP exhibition. She showed a proactive approach and was always engaged during our meetings. Her commitment is evident in her ability to stay on track and deliver results each week. 

Ditra was on a journey of growth and development during the preparation for the PYP exhibition. She needed support to understand her chosen area of inquiry better. I believe Ditra has the potential to make significant strides in her goal-setting and achieve success in the PYP exhibition, as she is showing a willingness to learn.

Well done, Nandra and Ditra! Your hard work throughout the preparation for the PYP exhibition has paid off. Best wishes for a successful exhibition!

Ibu Nova

Nathan and Beverly facilitated a smooth transition from Ibu Ashley to me with the utmost respect in my first experience role as a mentor for the PYP Exhibition. Nathan showcased exceptional independence in working on his project, from planning to the products. He also demonstrated his deep understanding of air pollution and its far-reaching effects on our daily lives, including health and the environment. His strong communication skills were evident in articulating inquiries concerning air pollution with clarity and conviction. 

Beverly's dedication to addressing littering and its impact on endangered species left me awestruck. She approached discussions with an open mind to the ideas and suggestions while remaining steadfast in her principles and comprehension of the issue. It is a pleasure to work with both. Nathan and Beverly. 

Kudos to their hard work!

Ibu Dini

This year, Pak Revo and I guided Anshu and Kama with their PYP exhibition project. Both Anshu and Kama were well prepared and used the mentoring session as best as they could. They managed to explore the chosen topic, never short of questions, and asked for ideas on how to explain their presentation to the Early Years students. So enjoy the amazing adventure of PYPx!   

Pak Revo

This is my first experience to be a mentor. I'm so glad to be a part of the Year 6 Exhibition. As a mentor, guiding Anshu and Kama to get more data for their project was fun and challenging. I’m impressed with their ability to carry ideas and knowledge into the project. I hope their project can be meaningful to others

Ibu Yenny

I am amazed to see how prepared Arfa is with his personal project. He demonstrated his self-management skills when organizing the things that should be done for the exhibitions, such as the presentation, the ideas and the things needed for his booth display/product. Seeing his growth from Year 1 all the way to Year 6 and also looking at his confidence and strong personality convinced me that he is enjoying his learning journey in Primary. I can’t wait to see the exhibition!

Ibu Yani

It was a great session with Arfa to discuss his project plans and ideas. Knowing that it is his passion, all about basketball, I believe he will do his presentation amazingly. He only needed help in managing the timeline or deadline to prepare his slides or videos prior to the exhibition. Looking forward to seeing his presentation in the upcoming exhibition!

Ibu Hyuna

Despite experiencing frequent absences due to illness in the initial weeks, Abhi demonstrated remarkable cooperation and receptiveness to feedback throughout the PYP exhibition journey. Witnessing his growth in research and thinking skills has been gratifying, and I hope he continues to exhibit the same level of ownership and engagement in his other subjects.

I look forward to seeing the exhibition!