Marden Lodge Primary School & Nursery End of Summer Term Update

Dear Parents/ Carers,

I cannot believe that we have come to the end of the academic year, this year seems to have flown by so quickly. I have thoroughly enjoyed being back at Marden since March and I am looking forward to working together with you next academic year. 

There will be some changes to the leadership team from September; John Williams will be a Regional Director for GLF and therefore will not be Executive Headteacher of Marden Lodge, because of this my role will change from Head of School to Headteacher. Mrs Young will be leaving us to take up a new role in another school, I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all the hard work she has given to the school and wish her luck at her new school. Mrs Staples will remain at the school as Deputy Headteacher. 

Mrs Cocks, Year 1 teacher will be leaving us at the end of term, I would like to thank her for her dedication and support for the school and wish her well in her new adventures. Mrs Giddings will also be leaving the school, I would like to thank her for her hard work and passion for Thrive, supporting our children with their emotional wellbeing. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff for all their hard work during the year. Good luck to the children leaving Marden Lodge this year, we wish you well for the future. A big thank you for the PTA for all their fundraising efforts throughout the year.

It has been a very busy academic year and the children have had a lot of opportunities which they have engaged with well. This is highlighted by the learning shared below by the teachers.

I would like to conclude by thanking you for all your support over this year, I look forward to working in partnership with you next academic year to continue to move the school forward enabling your children to continue to get the education that they deserve.  

Have a restful Summer

Denise Coady

Head of School

School is closed from today. The children are due back in school on Tuesday 5th September. Our Family Support Workers will be working for part of the summer so may be in touch if you work with them regularly. 

If you require any help for your family whilst we are closed, the following numbers may be of use:

Childline 0800 1111

NSPCC 24/7 helpline: 0808 800 5000

Surrey Children's Services 0300 4709100

Caterham Foodbank  01883 348385

Whyteleafe Food Hub   07398 045141

The Samaritans   116123

Good bye to the following members of staff. We wish you well in your next adventure! 

Mrs Giddings (Miss Hayley) - Thrive Practitioner & Teaching Assistant

Mrs Kocks -  Classteacher

Mrs Young - Deputy Headteacher 

Goodbye Marden Lodge! I have had an amazing three years working here and I leave with fond memories of our fantastic school. It has been an absolute pleasure helping to lead the school alongside our brilliant staff team and watching the school grow stronger and the children progress. I would like to thank all the staff for being the most dedicated and committed team I have ever worked with, the families for all your support and most of all the children for being the reason I come to work every day. I will miss each and every one of you and I know you will go on to being incredibly successful. 

We look forward to welcoming the following members of staff to the Marden Team in September. 

Miss Divine - Nursery Leader

Mrs McNally-Tonge -  Teaching Assistant

Mrs Valenzuela Pitter -  Teaching Assistant

Goodbye to Year 6! What a wonderful year group you have been. You’ve made us laugh, you’ve made us proud, and you’ve kept us busy! On to the next step of your journey – we know that you will all go on to do amazing things and we look forward to hearing news of your adventures and achievements! Good Luck in the future and pop back and see us some time!

Star Values

This term, we have focused on demonstrating the following values: 

Fair - April

Respectful -  May

Responsible - June

Trustworthy - July

Children are awarded certificates from Class Teachers in our Celebration Assembly every Thursday and also earn individual Dojo points from staff whenever they are seen to demonstrate the values. Our children are becoming more and more confident in articulating the meaning of each value and recognise where they feature in every day life. 

Marden's Marvellous Learning Behaviours

This term, we have focused on the following learning behaviours: 

April - Concentration 

May - Curiosity 

June - Resilience 

July - Challenge

Children are awarded certificates from Class Teachers in our Celebration Assembly every Thursday and also earn individual Dojo points from staff whenever they are seen to demonstrating the learning behaviours. Our teachers make reference to them whenever they are relevant to the children's learning. 

House Points

As you know, children are awarded Dojo points when they are representing our school values and once these points reach 50, they are then recognised with certificates is our Celebration Assembly. Pupil Parliament have been working with their classes over the year to relaunch our House Point system and we have decided that the Dojo points will also count towards House Points, therefore each individual child's points will also contribute towards their House total too. 

Pupil Parliament led a vote and the children have voted to name the houses as the following:

Jupiter - Diamond

Mars - Ruby

Saturn - Sapphire 

Earth - Emerald

This term, the winning House is Mars.

Our Curriculum 

We have had a brilliant term. The children have worked so hard this term and we are incredibly proud of them all. See below to see what each year group has been up to. 

Nursery- Caterpillars & Butterflies

The Summer Term has been our busiest term yet in Nursery!

After the Easter break, we were focusing on the topic “Eat a Rainbow” which was all about life cycles, growth and leading a healthy lifestyle. Summer 1 was jam packed with meaningful experiences such as the visiting farm where the children were able to meet ducklings, rabbits, sheep and chickens. We had a personal care week where we taught the children core skills such as brushing teeth, washing hair and washing hands. We explored plant life cycles first hand by growing our very own cress, which the children were responsible for planting and watering. And, we also celebrated the King’s Coronation here in Nursery with a variety of arts and crafts and a special coronation lunch made by the lovely kitchen team!

Summer 2 has been focused on “Adventures”. As the weather has been getting warmer the children have been spending more time outside, which has been an amazing opportunity to learn about sun safety. The children have particularly enjoyed going on bug hunts and have been digging in every area of the mud kitchen to find different bugs! In Butterflies we have started to prepare the children for their next adventure to Reception, and they have been loving Phonics! The children are so confident with their Phonics routines and knowledge now that they have even started to take over and teach it to their friends.

Whether transitioning from Caterpillars to Butterflies in September, or from Nursery to Reception, we have been talking about all things transition! Emotions have been at the core of our discussions, identifying our feelings about upcoming change, normalising them and coming up with strategies to support any nerves we might have. We have also been talking about all of the positives such as experiencing a new classroom or meeting a new teacher! Our pre-school children have been busy with their stay and plays, both at Marden and at other schools. Whilst it has been emotional, with the reality of the school year coming to an end (we have been with some of these children for two years!) we are also incredibly excited for them to start their next chapters. We are very proud of everything the Butterflies have achieved during their time here, and we have every confidence that they will be successful in their next steps. Towards the end of Summer 2 we have been talking to the children about their upcoming Summer break and looking ahead to any plans they may have. Another adventure awaits!

As this is the final Nursery newsletter post of the year I wanted to take the opportunity to say a HUGE thank you to all of our families for making this another magic year. The nature of Nursery means that we have to work very closely with our families, and it has been a joy! This is also my final newsletter post as the Nursery Teacher, and we are very excited to be welcoming Miss Divine, as Nursery Leader, in September 2023. She is very much looking forward to getting to know our Nursery families next year.

Have a fantastic summer break everybody!

Reception- Gruffalo

Newsletter 23.pdf

Year 1- Supertato

_Supertato Summer newsletter.docx.pdf

Year 2- Peter Rabbit

Summer Newsletter (1).pdf

Year 3- Hodgeheg

What an end to Year 3! 

In the mornings we completed our final independent write which showcased how far the children's writing has come.  We also finished our work on fractions, moving on to different aspects of shape and ending with time.  The children excelled in their multiplication booklets - finishing this week with answering 40 questions in two minutes which was comprised of the 2 times tables, square numbers and their corresponding division facts.

In the afternoons, we have spent time preparing ourselves for our Greek Pita Picnic through taste-testing, cutting and then preparing them with our family.  In PE we learnt the rules and skills of rounders so we could be more successful in a game, but we also honed our athletic skills.  The children practiced the javelin, using a baton correctly and how to perform a correct standing jump.  This term the children finished their work in science learning all about plants and also their geography unit on the landscape and features of Greece.

It has been a memorable year in so many ways!  Well done Year 3!

Year 4- Champion

Year 4 Champion Class Newsletter Summer.docx.pdf

Year 5- Aslan

Summer Term.pdf

Year 6- Potter

Year 6 have been rather busy this term. They have been learning new skills for transition to secondary school and preparing for new experiences alongside their exciting induction days. The children have been really engaged during maths lessons where they have been learning about money sense, bank accounts, mortgages and even budgeting! Within their computing lessons they have been analysing data and creating spreadsheets. Year 6 have been actively involved in the topic of ‘Climate Change’. They have written persuasive letters, produced eye-catching abstract art, created informative presentations for their peers and taken part in mature discussions about their opinions and ideas.

The time finally came for Year 6 to attend their residential at High Ashurst. They passionately took part in all activities, with encouragement and positivity- challenging themselves and each other! The children were lucky enough to have the opportunity of having a training session run by Whyteleafe Football Clubs’ first team manager where they were taken through their paces with various activities to enhance their football skills and sportsmanship. Year 6 are very proud of their production ‘Rock Bottom’ and have had a lot of fun producing and rehearsing their play.

Sports Day

Thank to all of our Marden Lodge families, children and staff for making our 2023 Sports Day such a success! The weather was just right, there was such a buzz throughout, and everybody was so positive all day! It was such a wonderful way to celebrate the end of the year and to see all of our Marden Lodge values being represented by all. Thank you also for helping to keep the playground and the field clean and clear of litter!

Children in ALL year groups showed such great teamwork, resilience and communication in particular. All the children were giving it their all! Thank you for cheering them all on! 

Congratulations again to Mars Team who were this year's winners! 


Thrive Six Weeks of Summer 2022.pdf

Summer Reading Challenge 2023

We are excited to announce that the Summer Reading Challenge is back! Developed by The Reading Agency and delivered by libraries, this annual event is designed to keep your child reading during the summer. This year we are more ambitious in our aims than ever before and will be working closely with your child’s school to sign up every child to the Summer Reading Challenge, see many of them complete the Challenge of reading six books and create lifelong lovers of libraries. 


Ready, Set Read! - Summer Reading Challenge 2023  

Libraries engage and motivate young readers, providing free books, e-books, and other resources, as well as access to exciting events and activities, including the Summer Reading Challenge. 


Children who read are more likely to: 

The 2023 Summer Reading Challenge, ‘Ready, Set, Read!’, will encourage children to engage in reading, games and sports, in any way that best suits them.  Developed with the Youth Sport Trust, the 2023 Challenge will show children that reading can be active, engaging and can involve teamwork and community.

How does the Challenge work?  

The Challenge is completely free, fun, and easy to do.  

Anti-Bullying Update

As part of our ongoing anti-bullying work, in every newsletter we will provide you with useful information about bullying, online safety and friendships. 

'Make A Noise About Bullying' has been announced as the theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2023 taking place from 13th-17th November.

The week will begin with Odd Socks Day supported by CBBC and CBeebies star Andy Day and his band Andy and the Odd Socks.

Anti-Bullying Week is coordinated in England, Wales and Northern Ireland by the Anti-Bullying Alliance, and is expected to reach over three-quarters of schools, over 7.5 million children and many celebrities and influencers. We will be taking part. 

Bullying affects millions of young lives. Too often, we are silent when we see bullying take place, silent about the hurt bullying causes, and silent when we hear bullying dismissed as ‘just banter’.

It doesn't have to be this way.

This is one of the reasons, that ‘Make A Noise About Bullying’ has been chosen as the theme of Anti-Bullying Week 2023 taking place from 13th to 17th of November. 

More information will be shared in the new academic year. 

Attendance Update

Marden Lodge Primary School and Nursery firmly believes that all children benefit from regular school attendance. A full and interrupted presence gives children the opportunity to fulfil their academic and social potential but also contributes significantly to establishing a positive leaning and work ethic.

Thank you for your support with making sure your child attends school.  Here are our attendance winners from the last term. 

1st – Potter Class – 93%

2nd – Supertato Class - 89%

3rd – Gruffalo Class – 88%


Being late to school can have a considerable impact over the whole school year. The table below shows you just how much time can be missed over a year just by being 5 minutes late to school every day.

We understand that the school mornings can be hectic, but when your child is late for school they are missing out on vital parts of their education.

Our gate to the playground closes at 8:50am so please make sure your child arrives before this time. If you don't, you will need to take your child to the school office to enter the school. 


If you have any queries or would like to talk to anyone about attendance and punctuality, please do not hesitate to contact our Senior Office Administrator on 01883 343014

School day poster (1).pdf

Change of timings for the school day

Thank you to everyone who responded to our consultation on the timings of the school day. We have taken your suggestions into account when making decisions. These changes will start in September and are for all year groups.

Start of the day

Gates open at 8.30am

Doors open at 8.40am

Registration 8.45am

Gates close 8.45am

End of the day

Gates open at 3.10pm

Children come out at 3.15pm

Gates close at 3.25pm

All year groups, including Reception, will be using the double gates by the field. 

No children will be entering the pedestrian gate by the car park.

2023 Marden Lodge Breakfast and Afterschool Club Pricing Structure.docx.pdf

Puffins - Wraparound Care

There have been some changes to the terms and conditions for Puffins Wraparound as well as the pricing structure. Please see the attachments for more information. 

Terms and Conditions July 2023.docx.pdf
mum2mummarket tandridge.pdf


If you are concerned about the safety of a child, please use the contact below: 

The safeguarding leads at Marden Lodge Primary School & Nursery are Mrs Coady, Miss Staples, Mrs Bell, Miss Bullman, Ms Garratt, Mrs Copard and Mrs Jelly

Marden Lodge Primary School and Nursery Facebook Page has been relaunched so please request to join the page.

Marden Twitter           @mardenlodge

You can now find us and follow us on Instagram here

Parent Mail 

Please check your emails as most communication will be through Parent Mail.

Class Dojo

Please check Class Dojo throughout the year for information about school. 

Who to contact in school 

If you need to contact school for any reason, please use the email address below or call us on 01883 343014. 

Free School Meals

If your circumstances have changed and you feel that you may now be eligible for pupil premium funding, please contact the office. 

Thank you for your ongoing support.

The Marden Team