

Weeks 1 to 5- Cybersmart Learning and Tasks

Week 9 and 10 Learning Focus and Activities


It’s Cool to Be Kind

We are learning about setting positive examples online.

Be smart at relationships online. Interact positively and smartly when online.

Click on this link and complete all the lessons. When you get to the website keep scrolling down until you get to -Set Positive Examples Online.

Week 9 and 10 Learning Focus and Activities


It’s Cool to Be Kind

We are learning about setting positive examples online.

Be smart at relationships online. Interact positively and smartly when online.

Click on this link and complete all the lessons. When you get to the website keep scrolling down until you get to -Set Positive Examples Online.

Week 8 Learning Focus

Monday 12th September to Friday 16th September 2022

Being Cybersmart -Voki Week 5

Week 7 Learning Focus

Monday 5th September to Friday 9th September 2022

Being Cybersmart -Voki Week 5

Week 6 Learning Focus

Monday 29th August to Friday 2nd September 2022

Being Cybersmart -Voki Week 5

Week 5 Learning Focus

Monday 22nd August to Friday 26th August 2022

Being Cybersmart -Voki Week 5
Smart Media - Weeks 1 to 4 Term 3, 2022

Learning from Term 2


Make a copy of the slide deck on the left and place the red navigating button on the box that best describes your smart relationships journey.

Weeks 8 to 10 Learning Focus Digital Dig

Team Kakapo- Digital Dig


Make a copy of the slides deck on the left that says Digital Dig. Complete the activities and tasks on the slides and post it on your blog.

File your copy of the Digital Dig slides in your Cybersmart folder on your drive.

Week 7 Learning Focus

Make a copy of the slide deck here and file it in your cybersmart folder. Complete the tasks on it. You are to work on it by yourself not with a buddy. You are of course welcome to sit with your friends but you need to type your own responses.

Smart Relationships: What is a quality blog comment?

Quick Cybersmart Challenge for this week-

Click here post it on your blog once it is completed.

Weeks 5 and 6 Smart Media

Big Idea and Understanding: We need to understand that media is constructed and has a purpose.

STOP- THINK- PAIR-SHARE before you watch the video and work from the slides.

Think about what you already know about media and then pair up with someone and share what you both know.

Watch this video by yourself or with a buddy and think about what is media.

Ask some questions to yourself-

Are you a smart user of media?

How can you improve yourself to be a smarter media user?

Team Kakapo 1. Smart Media: What is Media?

Make a copy of this slide deck and complete the learning tasks.

Team Kakapo- Test your powers of observation

Make a copy of this slide deck and complete the tasks. Read the instructions carefully.

Learning we have done this year so far...

Smart Footprint

We are learning about our digital footprint and how to behave positively online

Term 2 Weeks 3 and 4 -

Private & Personal Information

Private & Personal Information

Click on the image below that says Smart Footprint and read all about smart footprint from Manaiakalani teaching team.


Click on the image on the left that says- 'Digital Identity' and look at what we are learning about. Complete the tasks on the site at cybersmart time. Kia ora. If you have any questions please ask.

Term 1 Learning

Week 4- Monday 28th Feb to Friday 4th March 2022


Complete Tasks #1, #2 and #3 first and then

Click on the Google Slides on the right and click on the three dots at the bottom and click on open in editor and make a copy.

Read carefully and work on the learning on each slide. Thank you.

Digital Learning Weeks 2 and 3 T1,2022
