
Term 4 Week 6-7 - Smart Relationships

Term 4 Week 5-6 - Create an Animation


Use Google Slides to create a stop-motion  animation. 

Sanujan created this animation to demonstrate what happens to waste when it is dropped down the drain.

Watch the video below for help  ---->

Stop Motion Animation.webm

Term 3 ongoing - Manaiakalani Film Festival

Manaiakalani Film Festival is online Wednesday 8th November 

Week 3-4 - My favourite things - Google slides

Term 2

Outer Space - Auto Shapes

Learning Intention: to become more confident using Google Drawings.

Smart Learners


Animation is a really cool way to create or make a story more interesting! It involves making a character or object move little by little over and over again. This makes it look like it’s really moving. The trick is to move it just a tiny bit each time to make it look real. This is how they make all the fun cartoons and movies we love to watch!

My Poster about me

Learning Intention: to promote ourselves in a positive way via our blog with an About Me poster.

Smart Footprint
