Humans impact on water

We are becoming increasingly aware of our impacts on nature, but unfortunately many of the things we do have become so ingrained in our way of life that it is hard to change. BUT, we need to take action! Do something for the future of our planet Earth- our Te Ao.

No water, No life

Have you ever wondered about what happens to water when it goes down the sink?

Do you know how we have an impact on water on our planet?

Did you know that we can make a difference?

How are we going to make a difference?

This Term our main focus of learning is 'belonging' so we will be looking at how we have an impact on water on our planet. We belong here and it is in our hands to protect it.

Big Ideas and Questions

Task #1:

With a buddy create a screencastify and discuss these questions and ideas. Share your video on your blog.

Ideas for your video- Introduce what you are learning about through this inquiry and then discuss the questions. You can take turns and run it like an interview- one person asks a question and the other person answers it and then person asking the questions adds what they want to say.

Task #2:

Click on the image that says Humans and the water cycle and read the article.

Click here and complete this graphic organiser showing information. (Make a copy please)

Water and us


Task #3:

Make a copy of the slides on the left here. Read the instructions, watch the videos and answer the questions.

You can work with a buddy, just remember to place a copy of the slides in your LCS inquiry folder. Thank you.

Task #4: Time to challenge your ideas and probably ideas of your classmates and teachers.

If water is renewable then why conserve it?

If you live in water rich areas why save it?