a flexible & adaptable summer experience

We are very proud of the hard work that all of our students have completed this school year. It has been a challenging year for many, and like all of us here at Glen Rock, we are sure that you are looking forward to a summer break.

As educators, we believe that keeping minds active through the summer months is beneficial to our students’ intellectual growth. We believe in the value of summer reading, and in the value of choice. We want to provide students opportunities for different types of reading and thinking, outside of the typical summer reading structure. We also believe that it is important for our students to be able to participate in a community with their peers and teachers, which is an integral part of what we will be offering to students this summer.

We would like to share an opportunity for your students to participate in Summer Rock Talk, a new project for our rising 7th through 12th grade students. This new project is an opportunity for students to continue to think and keep their minds active through informal interactions with their peers and teachers. Students are invited to join groups based on their interests to read, listen, watch, and interact with like-minded peers and teachers over the course of the summer vacation.

Summer Rock Talk will be flexible, adaptable, and most importantly, catered specifically for students. Students will receive four newsletters over the course of the summer, each with a curated list of articles, videos, podcasts, and app recommendations to help them explore and engage with the topics they choose. Twice (on July 20th and August 17th) we will host in-person gatherings at school for an evening of discussion and community, and Summer Rock Talk participants will be invited to a fun event (to be determined) in September once school resumes.

Enrollment is Open

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