Algebra 1

Welcome 9th graders!!

I am excited to see you all and want to help you be prepared for your freshman year of math! Use this link to review 8th grade math before you return to school in the fall:

What to expect:

  • We will be primarily using google classroom for all assignment announcements and materials. The google classroom code will be given during the first week of school.

  • Algebra 1 is filled with many different units of math that you will need for the rest of your mathematics career. Some you have seen before, and some are brand new!

  • Homework will be assigned every day and participation will be required during class.

  • You must bring your calculator to class every day.


On the first day of school, this information will be reviewed and the rules and expectations of the class will be discussed. I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you come fall and am excited to get started in September!