
Hello and Welcome to Biology!

Dear Parent/Guardian:

I am honored to be your student's guide through Biology for this school year. This is my 15th year teaching High School Biology. I am grateful that each year I have the opportunity to share my enthusiasm and love of biology with young minds.

Our class journey will expose students to experiences called for by the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, specifically Life Science Standards.The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). NGSS clearly state "Students need to be able to make sense of the world and approach problems not previously encountered—new situations, new phenomena, and new information. To achieve this level of proficiency students need a solid grasp of key science concepts and the ability to relate that knowledge across disciplines." This is at the heart of this national push for putting students in the driver's seat of their own learning. Phenomenon-driven units involve students in making sense of the natural world through the use of authentic data while integrating different areas of science together when they are necessary to solve a problem. This allows for much deeper and longer lasting learning because everything is taught in context. And the students genuinely excel at a much higher level because of their deeper understanding. (see Active Learning article link here and its references for supporting research data.)Will students come home frustrated some days because they “just want the answer?” Absolutely. Will students want to memorize facts because that 's what they’ve become accustomed to? Many will. But the productive struggle that is part of science is critical to them growing as learners.

Along with district and school-specific goals, all biology courses will delve deeper into the life science units they may have encountered in 7th grade life science. Our goals include having students develop skills that promote critical thinking across the curriculum, within the school, our community and beyond. We also set out to further develop skills of responsibility, accountability, organization, and time management so they may continue their path on becoming successful and active 21st century citizens.

Our students will gain more and more independence throughout their high school years, however, it is important they see support in every step of the way in order to accomplish our goals. Freshmen year is a very special time for both students and parents. It is a time when many parents and students explore finding the right balance between student independence & self-advocacy with adequate parental involvement & support in high school. Each family has their own unique features and dynamics which means this boundary will be different for each and every student and parent/guardian relationship.

In an effort to assist in any way I can in this venture of finding the right balance for your student, I have attached an ASSIGNMENT for you to complete.

Please keep in mind that this website was created with you, the parent/guardian, in mind. I hope it helps in providing useful tools and tips for providing support with Biology class at home. Feel free to email me directly should you have any questions or concerns in regards to your student's progress.


Ed.M. Science Education

Biology Teacher, Glen Ridge High School