Las clases de español de

Sra. Dessipris


GRHS-Room 207


Discover languages! Discover the world!

To all my classes:

What to have in September (and everyday while in school):

-Hard cover 3-ring binder containing about 25 sheets of composition paper (no pocket folders, please)

-3 dividers marked: Class Work, Homework, Tests (optional but useful to stay organized)

-1 tissue box (optional but appreciated)

-1 transparent binder pocket to keep labs, projects, flashcards created at home or in class (optional)

-Pen/s, sharpened pencil/s and some color crayons/pencils/markers

-Lab/Computers: you must have your own (charged) Chromebook/headset/earbuds for audio/visual tasks. 

-At the end of each marking period: Portfolio assessment, participation, responsibility will be considered and extra credit opportunities will be provided for each marking period.

-Textbook/Workbook/Digital Ancillaries (provided by teacher in September/daily in Google Classroom)

-Google Classroom + Code: shared/joined on the first day of school: Sept. 5th, 2023

Expectations/Grading: in Google Classroom from September