Engineering CLUB

Welcome to The Computer and Technology Club

(now Engineering Club)

This club is for students with a strong interest in Engineering & Technology.

We meet every Wednesday after school in room 115. Our goal to is to create student centered projects and engage in local STEM competitions and events.

The objective of the club is to share and promote our shared interest in Engineering and Technology.

New members are welcome.

Please sign up to the Google classroom page:


For additional information, please contact Mr. Shohen

This year we will build RC drones and planes programmed with ardunio

Using Arduino boards, Arduino programing, and quadcopter parts, students will learn the skills to build and control drones. This project will give students a hands-on experience that will extend the capabilities of an Arduino board by adding programmable motors, propellers and sensors. Students will be able to program the Arduino boards to adjust the power to each motor autonomously. Additionally, they can add more self-controlling sensors such as barometers, GPS, sonar, and a gyroscope. Arduino programing will give students the opportunity to use a free programming language to control technological systems that solve problems or accomplish tasks. Students will be engaged in creating this flying robotic systems that sense the environment.

Ardunio Programming


Videos of quad copter build:

Drone one: Needs to be assembled, and the mini camera installed.

Please see the attached website link before deciding your part in this project.

Please see the attached video on how to use the mini camera and FPV goggles:


Please use the video links and websites to see the possible step-by-step instructions for how to build the drones.

Drone two: Needs to be built and programmed using an Arduino board. It will also have a mini camera installed.

Please see the attached website link before deciding your part in this project.

Please see the attached video on how to use the mini camera and FPV goggles:

It is your task as a club to collaborate together on how everyone can have a part in building, testing and flying the drones.

Question of the day

What direction is the last pulley turning Clockwise or Contour clockwise?