
Monday: From Monday through Thursday reports will be handed to your child to bring home. The Life Ed van with Harold the Giraffe continues.

Tuesday: The Life Ed van with Harold the Giraffe continues.

Wednesday: The Life Ed van with Harold the Giraffe continues. Emerging Leaders group have a trip to Mt Smart Stadium to have a behind the scenes look.

Thursday: BOT meeting. As this is almost the end of the current BOT term of office, we are asking any parent / guardian who would like to know more about serving the school community in this way to contact the office.

Friday: It's the last day of term and we close school at 2pm. Please arrange to have your child collected on time.

School reopens for Term 3 on Monday 25 July.

Do have a great time with your children as they switch off from school.


Monday: School is closed for Queen's Birthday celebrations

Tuesday: Staff and students are planning for our Matariki displays and activities. Do you have something to share / contribute - let the class teacher know.

Wednesday: Two teams are attending the local volleyball competition. Thank you to the parents who have offered their time to attend and assist with transport.

Thursday: Bunnings Hardware is coming in to sponsor two gardening projects. We could do with some assistance on the day. Call reception to let us know if you can assist.

FOUR important dates:

The following FRIDAY 17 JUNE, school will CLOSE at 1:20pm to allow staff to attend their union meeting to discuss the re-negotiation of their collective agreement. The meetings will discuss the teachers’ Time 4 Tamariki | Wāwāhi Tahā campaign, which aims to win smaller class sizes, more support for high needs students, better recognition of cultural skills, greater job security for our essential relievers and to fairly value and recognise teachers’ work.

Wednesday 22 June we have our school Matariki celebration and a hangi for all students and a special invitation has been extended by the BOT to all our Maori parents to join us. More detail to follow.

Thursday 23 June is a Teacher Only Day - school is closed as staff participate in the professional development.

Friday 24 June is the first official Matariki celebration - all schools are closed.

Week 5 Homework is due on Friday

Spelling test is on Friday (Look, cover and write your words out to practise your words)

Parents and caregivers are not allowed to drop you off in the teacher's parking. There have been a few minor bangs to teachers' cars.

31st May 2022

Good afternoon all

Please have a read of the attached letter regarding the upcoming School Board Elections. The time to start planning is now!

Now for those who are interested:

We have TEN tickets to give away for this Saturday's rugby game at Eden Park: Blues Vs Highlanders. All you need to do is call me at school to arrange to collect these. First in is the lucky one.

Stay well


27th May 2022

Good afternoon all

After yet another eventful week, we look ahead and see the next has even more to offer!

Monday: Sports Camp training at 7:30am. The senior classes are off on a trip to the Museum. Operation Attend is in full swing as we work to get ALL students back.

Tuesday: Rostered classes get to meet the new library assistant Ms Rangi Messine. Ms Rangi works Tuesdays and Thursdays. Netball competition St Johns.

Wednesday: A normal but busy day. At school training for volleyball ... inter-school competition next week. Operation Attend home visits.

Thursday: Sports Camp training at 7:30am. Special family and Lalaga Institute meeting.

Friday: Reminder that school is closed on Monday 6 June as it is Queen's Birthday.

Thank you to those parents who have co-operated and not parked or come into the staff area with their cars. You have made our organisation of that space so much easier. When the new build is started, one of the first projects is to create a safe drop off and collection zone for the students and parents.

Have a safe and enjoyable weekend.

Send yours and the neighbours children to school next week!
