How to report...

What is reporting ?

Reporting is when someone makes you feel unhappy or upset by either sending you or others unkind messages or doing something disturbing on the game you may be playing at the time. This is also considered as cyber-bullying, but only if they do it constantly or several times. But it is only reporting if you get in contact with the game makers and tell them. Go to this website to learn more: Thinkuknow !

How to report ?

If someone cyber-bullies you, and you don't know what to do, then follow our instructions. But there is also an another option called as you may have guessed 'reporting'. This is how you do it, once you get bullied go to the pause menu. You will find a icon reading report. Press this and enter the persons username who did the awful thing. Then, name what they have done and it WILL be sorted out by the company.

Watch this video!!!