
April 24

Please share how you stayed active this past week!

Game: Flip It!

Click the link above to learn the game. Have Fun!

Equipment Needed:

2 dice

6 objects that can be flipped over. I used Hats. Other items could be paper/plastic bowls or paper/plastic cups.

Fitness Activity: Try to get outside!

  1. Go for a run/walk

  2. Ride your bike/scooter/skateboard

  3. Play in the front/back yard

Bone of the Week

Spinal Column

Spinal Column Fun Fact: As humans we have seven cervical vertebrae in our necks, the same number as giraffes!


April 23

WARM-UP: Flexibility (Calves & Quadriceps)

Flexibility is really important in order for your body to move the best that it can.

Follow the static stretching routine in the video to the right.

  • Static stretching means that you won't be moving while you stretch

  • Get in the stretching position and hold it for 30 seconds

GAME: "Jump-the-Deck"


Deck of cards

Jump Rope (Optional)


In "Jump-the-Deck", you are going to try to complete the number of jumps for the total value of the cards in one deck.

***That's a total of 380 jumps!

  • If you have a jump rope, you can use that to complete all of your jumps

  • Start with the deck face down, flip the top card over, and then complete the number of jumps that matches the value on the card.

      • ACE = 11 Jumps

      • KING, QUEEN, & JACK = 10 Jumps

      • 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 = Jump the value on the card

  • If you aren't using a jump rope to complete your jumps, try a different jumping style for each of the four suits in the deck.

      • SPADES = Side-to-Side Jumps

      • CLUBS = Broad (Long) Jumps

      • HEARTS = Hops

      • DIAMONDS = Jumping Jacks

Static Stretching - Calves &


"Jump the Deck".mov



April 22

Warm-Up: 3 Rounds

5 Burpees

10 Lunges (5 each leg)

20 Mountain Climbers

Rest 1 min. between rounds

Click the link to see the game!


1 item as the Bacon

Chalk or a way to make opposite starting lines.

How to Play:

  • First to 3 points wins!

  • Each player starts behind their own starting line.

  • The "Bacon" is placed directly in the middle between the two opposing starting lines.

  • To be fair player one holds up 1 finger to show they're ready. Then player two holds up 2 fingers to show they're ready . Now it goes back to player 1 they will hold up a fist and yell go!

Scoring: 2 Ways to Score!

  1. Grab the "Bacon" and bring it past your starting line with out getting tagged. = 1point

  2. If your opponent grabs the "Bacon" you can tag them before they get back to their starting line and that would earn a point. =1 point

  3. Winner choses the exercise for the themselves and the Loser. Have Fun!

Fitness Challenge: Pace Yourself Challenge

With an adult and weather permitting:

  • Go for a run and time yourself. Find a pace that you can maintain. Once you stop running look at the time and see how long you went without stopping.

  • Set a goal and try to reach it. 3 mins, 5 mins, 10 mins, 15 mins.

  • Have Fun! Push yourself! You can do it!



WARM-UP: Countdown

30 Jumping Jacks

20 High-Knee Marches in-place

10 Squats

5 Push-ups


Have fun working on your agility today! Agility is another Skill-Related Fitness Component. Agility is being quick on your feet as you move from one place to another.

**If you don't have your own agility ladder, draw one with chalk**


  • Chalk

  • Ruler

Measure each box 12 inches by 12 inches

Make 5-10 boxes for your ladder. I made 10 for mine!

DRILLS: Check out the video to the right

*Complete Each Drill 2 or more times*

  • Jump from box to box

  • Jump two boxes forward, one box backward

  • Jump in, out, in, out

  • Jump Zig-Zag in, out, in, out

  • Sideways scissor jumps

Skill-Related Components of Fitness Poster.pdf


Agility Ladder



April 20

Introduction: Week 5 Welcome

Do the Bold Choice workout by clicking the link above.

Fitness Activity:Towel Fitness

Click the link above to see the activity!

Equipment needed:

1 towel

Safe space to workout

Single Towel exercises: Partner Towel exercises

1. Split Jumps for 30 seconds. 1. Tug of War with towel

2. Skier Jumps for 30 seconds 2. Towel resistant run

3. 1/2 turn jump squats for 30 seconds 3. Cooperative towel stand

4. Balance Bean Toe Touches 4. Towel toss and catch with partner

5. Plank touches for 30 seconds 5. Towel toss and aim for a target