Courses at GBN


GRADE: 9 LENGTH: 1 Sem CREDIT: .50 GPA: All Subject

The focus of this course is for the student to overcome apprehensions associated with performance. Introductory theater exercises are used to develop stage and speaking strengths. PREREQUISITE: None


Theatre 161

GRADE: 10,11,12 LENGTH: 1 Sem CREDIT: 0.50 GPA: All Subject

Especially appropriate for students who have not had an opportunity to perform, Theatre 161 introduces the fundamental concepts of acting. Students learn by doing, performing in class, playing theatre games, and trying out improvisation. Topics of study include concentration, observation, imagination and skills for building an ensemble. In addition, students will write their own monologues and script original scenes.

PREREQUISITE: Performance Skills 161 is highly recommended


Theatre 261

GRADE: 10,11,12 LENGTH: 1 Sem CREDIT: 0.50 GPA: All Subject

For students who wish to continue their drama studies, Theatre 261 provides the opportunity to enhance improvisational skills and theatre experience. Students will focus on comedic improvisation, culminating in a class performance. 

PREREQUISITE: Theatre 161 or instructor approval



GRADE: 10,11,12 LENGTH: 1 Sem CREDIT: .50 GPA: All Subject

Advanced Acting and Directing provides advanced study in drama with emphasis on the acting and directing of in-class performances. Assignments include performance and character-study, monologue development (for possible university audition material), and script writing. Students will form an ensemble and together they will write, direct, and create an original evening of theater, collaborating on all aspects of the production.

PREREQUISITE: Performance Skills 161 and/or Drama 161 are highly recommended



GRADE: 10,11,12 LENGTH: 1 Sem CREDIT: 0.50 GPA: All Subject

For students who wish to continue their drama skills, Advanced Improvisation is an accelerated course that emphasizes improvisational technique. Students will learn how to use drama exercises to create comedic “sketches”, culminating in a sketch-comedy performance.

PREREQUISITE: Drama 261 or instructor approval


GRADE: 9, 10, 11, 12 LENGTH: 1 Sem CREDIT: 0.50 GPA: All Subject

Students will explore various elements of stagecraft, including theatrical nomenclature, theatre safety, scenic design, construction, painting, lights, sound, makeup, costumes, and props.  Students will develop a portfolio of their best work featuring all technical units of study.