Term 3 Cybersmart

Term 3 Week 10 (Home Learning) - If something goes wrong

Learning Intention: create smart relationships by knowing how to seek help if something goes wrong

Term 3 Week 9 (Home Learning) - Famous mates

Learning Intention: manipulate images using transparent backgrounds

Cybersmart Edits

WALT: manipulate images using transparent backgrounds


  • Find a photo you want to edit

  • Take a photo of yourself

  • Use remove.bg

  • Use Google draw to make it look like you are chilling with that celebrity.

  • Remember to keep your edits Cybersmart - don't use photos of others unless you ask for permission

Term 3 Week 8 (Home Learning) - Blog Commenting

Learning Intention: to leave positive, helpful and thoughtful comments on blogs

Share some love

WALT: write comments that are positive, thoughtful, helpful.


  • Follow the teachers instructions.

  • Discuss what a quality blog comment is.

  • Go searching for blogs to comment on.

  • Read and view the entire post before commenting.

Term 3 Week 4 - Storyboarding

Learning Intention: to understand how a film is planned and created using storyboarding

What is a storyboard?

  • we are going to watch this introduction to storyboarding together. Have a listen for the different types of shots that are mentioned.

Storyboarding of animated movies

  • watch and see how the concepts created in a storyboard can be created into an actual movie!


  • Your turn! Using the storyboarding template, have a go at mapping out the different shots in Pt England's Room 7's movie "Dodgeball" from 2018.



  • Take a photo of your storyboard using your Chromebook's webcam and post it on your blog. Remember to include a task description of what we are learning about and why!

  • Have a look below at the aspects of a 'Quality Blog Post'

Term 3 Week 3 - Quality Blog Comments

Learning Intention: write comments that are positive, thoughtful, helpful.

Room 10's Quality Blog Comment Record (Responses)

Term 3 Week 2 - Exploring blogs

Learning Intention: to understand what information or features should be visible on a blog.

Blog Check

  • Click on the button below to open the Blog check spreadsheet

  • Read the instructions at the top of the Sheet

  • Find your name

  • Colour the cell either Green or Red depending if your blog is updated correctly

Blog Checkup

  • Click on the button below to make a copy of the Blog checkup template

  • Read the instructions in the box on the left

  • Complete as many squares on the template as you can


  • Embed your Blog checkup into a new blog post with a task description to explain the activity

Photo time!

  • It's time to update your blog photo. Using the camera on your Chromebook, take a photo of your head and shoulders (like the example)

  • Think about the lighting (e.g. not sitting in front of a window) and what is behind you. Make sure that your image is one that you will be proud to have on your blog, and one that Mrs Patea or Mrs Raj would be happy with

  • Upload your photo into this Drive folder. Change the name of the file to your name

Term 3 Week 1 - Quality Blog Comments

Learning Intention: write comments that are positive, thoughtful, helpful.

Breaking Down a Quality Blog Comment


  • Follow the teachers instructions.

  • Discuss what a quality blog comment is.

  • Write a comment using the form for each of the movies you watch.

  • Try to write your comments so they are positive, thoughtful and helpful!

Check out some examples of some Quality Blog Commenting from Glenbrae students

What do you notice? How could you improve them?