Student Wellness

Student Wellness Videos: Click here for our series.

Technology difficulties:

If a student or parent has trouble getting online or logging into Schoology, please have them fill out a tech help ticket. Students can visit and select the " Student Tech Help" link and fill out a ticket.

You can also call 630-942-7777 and leave a message.

Helpful Tips:

Be mindful of what you post online.

Get good rest.

Form a good routine.

Try to eat healthy

Stress Management tips

Identifying Feelings

Health and Fitness

  • Planet Fitness - has a daily workout on Facebook Live at 7:00 pm. If you can’t tune in and participate at 7:00 pm, go back and view it later.

  • CorePower Yoga On Demand - If you are not a member, they are giving you full unlimited access to all online classes. They will also be streaming live classes for you each day at 8am, 1pm and 6pm MT.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga - Cosmic Kids is an incredible kid-friendly approach to yoga

  • Believe in YOU- series designed to educate students and staff about the incredible power of believing in yourself, despite the challenges and trials that life may present.

  • STRONG by Zumba (On YouTube) combines bodyweight, cardio, muscle conditioning and plyometric training synced to music. Several at-home workout options are available on YouTube with no equipment needed. Options include 7-minute, 20-minute and 30-minute classes.

  • Les Mills-This workout class creator is offering free classes on their streaming platform, LES MILLS on Demand until the coronavirus outbreak is over. The site has 95 video classes for Body Combat, Body Pump, Barre, cardio training, mindfulness and more.

  • Stretch and Grow of the Rockies is a kids health and wellness enrichment company that teaches children age-appropriate fitness and yoga routines.Jillian Sterner is the CEO and has started uploading daily “Brain Breaks” on YouTube that include a 10-minute video of yoga poses, breathing techniques, and exercises.

  • Fitness Blender offers hundreds of free workout videos ranging in difficulty, length, and body focus.

  • Down Dog maintains five fitness and yoga apps that offer yoga practices or at-home workouts: Down Dog, Yoga for Beginners, HIIT, Barre and 7 Minute Workout. Down Dog is making the apps free until April 1. Students and K-12 teachers have free access until July 1.

  • YMCA 360 is an "on-demand" healthy living network. The YouTube channel offers several 15-minute workout routines.

  • Stretch your body-Quick ten minute yoga morning stretch

  • Look out for free live classes on Instagram

Mindfulness Activities for Teens

5 Mindfulness Exercises and Activities for Teens

1. Mindful Eating

In this exercise, your teen will learn how to eat mindfully. The example used is an orange, but it can be almost anything.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Start by holding your orange and rolling it in your hand, noticing how it feels.

  2. Hold the orange close to your nose and take a sniff. Think about what it smells like.

  3. Pay attention to what it looks like and what it feels like.

  4. Peel your orange mindfully, and stay present.

  5. Taste the orange, noting the flavor, the texture, the juiciness, etc.

2. Mindful Breathing

Mindful breathing is another simple exercise your teen can try. He or she will focus on breathing, but refrain from forcing themselves to breathe in a certain way.

Have your teen follow these steps:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

  2. Breathe normally and notice how it feels; pay attention as the air goes in and out of your lungs.

  3. Notice how your breath moves your body; does your chest and/or your belly rise and fall as you breathe?

  4. Sit for a few minutes, paying attention to your breathing, and become as relaxed as you can be.

  5. If your mind starts to wander from the task at hand, gently guide it back to your breath.

3. Mindful Walking

Mindful walks are great ways to practice and maintain mindfulness in your everyday life, and your teenager will likely feel the same.

Guide them through these four easy steps:

  1. Pick up one foot and take a slow-motion step forward. Notice what you have to do to stay balanced.

  2. Walk in slow motion, one step at a time. Pay attention to how your arms, legs, and feet move as you walk.

  3. Breathe in and out in time with your steps. Stay relaxed but keep your attention focused on your breath and your steps, working in tandem.

  4. If your mind starts to wander, bring it gently back to your slow-motion walking.

4. Mindful Word

This exercise instructs you to choose a word that connects back to mindfulness and use it as an anchor to keep you present, calm, and collected. Teenagers should find it easy to follow and helpful in maintaining their mindfulness.

Here are the steps:

  1. Think of a word that seems calm or soothing to you, like “peace”, “love”, “sunlight”, or “calm.”

  2. Think the word to yourself, saying it silently in your own mind. Say it again as you breathe, once when you breathe in and once when you breathe out. Stay focused on the word.

  3. If/when your mind begins to wander, gently bring it back to your word.

  4. Challenge yourself to do this for one minute. If that seems too easy, try five minutes!

5. Mindful Driving

This is a great exercise for teenagers because it will not only help them become more mindful, it can also encourage them to be better and safer drivers.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Take a moment before you start the car to cultivate greater awareness. Think about how it feels to sit in the driver’s seat right now.

  2. Take one slow, deep breath as you settle into your seat. Make sure you are comfortable and you can easily reach the pedals. Adjust your seat if necessary.

  3. Fasten your seat belt and say to yourself, “I plan to pay attention while I’m driving. I plan to drive safely and well.”

  4. Shift your attention to the mirrors, checking to make sure they are in the right position and adjusting them if they are not.

  5. Take another slow, deep breath and start the car. Expand your awareness to the area directly around the car, looking for people, other cars, or anything else that could be an obstacle.

  6. As you drive, pay attention to any of the many situations that require you to slow down or speed up. Keep your attention focused on your driving and the situations around you.

  7. If you feel distracted or find your mind wandering, remind yourself that you are driving and refocus on the task at hand.

Click here to see these five exercises explained in detail.

Organization Tips for Distance Learning

Create a dedicated workspace – Having a specific, well organized workspace can help your mind focus whenever you sit down to work. This space should be quiet and free of distractions, if possible.

Organize your inbox – Emails can pile up quickly, especially as you start to be included in group correspondence. To avoid getting overwhelmed, be sure to schedule some time every day to check and, if necessary, respond to any emails in your inbox, even on days when you are not expecting to receive work from a professor or have something due.

Stay ahead of schedule While it may be tempting to wait until the last minute and do an assignment on the day before it’s due, students should try to have things completed earlier to allow for more flexibility. Ideally, assignments should be finished a couple days before the deadline. You may feel less stressed knowing that if something comes up, your important work is already finished.

Take regular breaks – It is also important to budget your time effectively so you can take breaks when things become overwhelming. We can only concentrate for so long before our minds need rest; try not to push yourself too hard and allow yourself time to step away and rest periodically.

Use bookmarks – As you get used to completing assignments, you may find yourself using the same websites again and again. To save time, bookmark these websites and keep them in a place where you can easily access them whenever you have work to do.

Set reminders – Using the reminder and calendar functions on your phone can be another way to stay on top of tasks. If you have an important assignment coming up, schedule it in a planner and try using a timed reminder to help keep you on track.

Have a Plan

With proper attention paid to your workspace and organizational strategy, transitioning into an online degree can be a smooth process. Remember to take things seriously: Working from home can be distracting for some people, and it is up to you to have strategies and backups in place if things start to get out of hand.

Google Meet Etiquette

STUDENT NORMS: Google Meet/Hangout

1. Turn your mic off until you have something to say.

2. If you unmute, please aim to reduce distractions by muting notifications on iPad and your phone.

3. Turn your camera off unless privacy is secure for you and others in your home.

4. Be polite: take turns talking and invite others to join in by name.

5. Use the chat feature if you think of something and someone else is talking

6. If you are having WiFi issues, turning off the microphone and camera may help.

Managing Camera Anxiety- Tips for Students (2).pdf
GoogleMeetEtiquetteandExpectationsforStudents (1).pdf