Extra Credit

Extra Credit

  • What opportunities are available for extra credit?

      • Students who complete and properly document additional activities will receive 10 extra credit points for each.

      • Private lessons. See GLMBA site for details.

      • Performances in church or private lesson studio recitals. Turn in either a program from the performance or a note, either one signed by a parent.

      • Participation in Solo and Ensemble

      • Attending other musical performances. See guideline handout for details. For possible concerts to attend, visit the sites on my Helpful Links page, or the Extra Credit calendar.

      • Participation in Honors Band or All-State Band.

      • Concert stage crew. Come to the auditorium early and stay after the concert to help set up and tear down the band seating on stage. Due to high levels of interest, stage crew is generally decided through a lottery.

      • Listening assignment. See guideline handout for details.

      • Composition assignment. See guideline handout for details.

      • Reports. See guideline handout for details.

      • Intonation chart. See guideline handout for details. This project requires a partner and a tuner and may only be done once in a given school year.

      • ???? If you have an idea for extra credit that is not found here, feel free to ask.