Classroom Info

Daily Schedule

In general our daily schedule includes the following:

Suggestions for Supporting your Child

On this website you will see suggestions for helping your child learn and achieve. Look in the "School-to Home Connection" section of each monthly news page. Please take a few minutes to read through these monthly pages so you will know what your child is learning and how you can help.

Home to School Folder

Your child will be given a home to school folder on the first day of school.  Please ensure the folder is returned each school day as it will contain important notices, homework and school papers to review with your child.


Please remember to send in a snack with your child every day.  Healthy snacks are encouraged.  We will have snack every morning around 10:30.


Please have your child read or be read to at least 20 minutes each night, Monday-Thursday. In addition, math homework will be given as needed. 

Behavior Expectations

Hopewell students are expected to be responsible, respectful, and safe as stated in the Hopewell School Family Booklet. 

Dismissal Changes

A written note must be sent in for any dismissal changes.  Please send the note in your child's home to school folder.  


This year, due to allergies, we ask that no special treats (food or toys) be sent in to celebrate school birthdays.

In class, we will celebrate by singing happy birthday and the birthday student will receive a special crown and pencil.