Español 4

It is a pleasure to welcome you to Spanish 4L2 at GHS! 

Language learning happens best in a comfortable, positive learning environment, so I ask that we all show respect for one another, respect for the people, places, and things we learn about, and respect for the time we have to dedicate to learning. It is very important that students listen to and participate in the target language, ask questions when needed, and show kindness and patience toward themselves and others.

¡Aprendamos juntos!


Spanish 4 -Periodo  1 Day A/C: ct7ownn

Spanish 4 -Periodo  4 Day A/C: smq65jd

Spanish 4 -Periodo  4 Day B/D: dtqcrmi

Essential Question

 “Who are the Spanish?


Please, read the following statements about the late work policy carefully.

 Late work policy: