August/September News

Dates to Remember

School-to-Home Connection

This month...

We begin our fourth grade adventure in learning! I am SO excited!

Please review these pages to see what your child will be doing/studying and how you can support him or her. I look forward to working with you to help your child reach their learning potential!

Please feel free to contact me at any time regarding your child's academic or social progress.  You may wish to send an email (, a note, or give the school a call (860-652-7897).



Classroom Update

This month we will all be learning the routines and getting to know one another.  I am looking forward to a great year!  Here are some highlights of the curriculum in each subject.


This month we begin a long unit in which we will explore how the relationships between addition, subtraction, multiplication and division help us become more flexible and comfortable with numbers.  During September,  we will investigate place value to understand the value each digit represents.  We will be discussing and learning about how it works as well as the “real world” applications.   As a class,  we will discover how we can solve the same problem in a variety of ways.   We are working to establish a safe and comfortable learning community where each and every student feels comfortable to take risks, share their thinking, make mistakes and persevere. Our math norms are a vital part of daily lessons. They include:


In September we begin our science unit, "Energy is Everywhere." Students will explore the concepts of energy and motion. This includes:


The beginning of school is when we establish the routines of Reading Workshop.  We are discussing how and why we choose books, the type of environment necessary for reading, as well as some general ways to share our thinking about books through conversations and writing.   We will also dive into our first Unit of Study: Interpreting Characters. We will study characters closely in fictional texts. Students will build big ideas about themes and character journeys across the story, including character change.


As in reading, we are building a Writing Community.  This month we will learn how writers generate ideas, and build an understanding of how writing tools and the writing environment impact a writer's ability to work and grow.  We will examine both the role of the teacher and the role of the student in Writing Workshop. Our first Unit of Study: The Arc of Story invites students to explore the art of writing realistic fiction.  They will create characters that struggle, deal with setbacks, and finally come to a resolution. Students will also work to revise their pieces carefully, in order to make their stories believable.