Classroom Info

Daily Schedule

Sample schedule. Please note the schedule varies depending on the day of the week.

8:45 Morning Work

9:05     Writing 

9:50     Reading

10:45   Lunch

11:15   Recess 

11:40    Math

12:55    Physical Education

1:45     Snack

2:00     SGI  (This is a key time to pull students for one to one  or small group instruction.)

2:45    Science or Social Studies

3:30 Dismissal

Suggestions for Supporting your Child

On this website you will see suggestions for helping your child learn and achieve. Look in the "School-to Home Connection" section of each monthly news page. Please take a few minutes to read through these monthly pages so you will know what your child is learning and how you can help.

Home to School Folder/Homework

Homework is given Monday through Thursday. I expect your child to read no less than 15 minutes each night. As the school year progresses reading time will increase to 25 minutes. A typical night of homework is always reading, and math, spelling or handwriting. Homework should take no more than 30 minutes (that includes reading). 

Your child should bring home their planner and blue homework folder each night. In the morning they should return their folder with the completed homework and have their reading recorded in their planner.


 We are a nut-free classroom. That includes foods that were made in a facility that processes nuts or peanuts.  There will be opportunities to eat snack once in the afternoon.  I encourage you to pack snacks that are healthy and easy for your child to manage. 


Birthdays are celebrated with a birthday book that is created by the students. This is a special way to show each child how much they are appreciated. 

Behavior Expectations

We have a classroom contract the students created. When issues arise students review our class expectations.