
Submission site

Instructions for authors

APKC 2024 adopts the following two-round submission policy. Basically, authors will receive either Accept or Reject in the 1st notification. Meanwhile, a few authors may receive a Resubmission Notification, which means that they are recommended to resubmit their papers with a reply letter. Then, they will receive either Accept or Reject in the 2nd notification. Note that this is NOT Conditional Acceptance, and the papers are automatically rejected if we did not get the authors' resubmission. We do not accept any new submission in the resubmission phase.

Technical papers submitted for APKC are to be written in English. Papers must be at most 10 pages excluding bibliography and appendices, and at most 12 pages in total. Committee members are not obligated to read appendices, and a paper must be intelligible without the appendices. Submissions must follow the new ACM conference template, which has been updated on April 4, 2023 (use sigconf style). Submissions should not use older ACM formats or non-standard formatting. Submissions must be in Portable Document Format (.pdf). Authors should devote special care that fonts, images, tables, and figures comply with common standards and do not generate problems for reviewers.

APKC requires double-blind reviewing process. All submissions should be anonymized appropriately. Author names and affiliations should not appear in the paper. The authors should avoid obvious self-references and should appropriately blind them if used. The list of authors cannot be changed (but the order can be) after the submission is made unless approved by the Program Chairs. Submissions to APKC 2024 must not substantially overlap with papers that are published or simultaneously submitted to other venues (including journals or conferences/workshops). Double-submission will result in immediate rejection. We may report detected violations to other conference chairs and journal editors. The Program Committee reserves the right to reject any paper that does not abide by the rules without considering its technical merits. 

Note that for attending APKC 2024, please make a registration for ASIACCS 2024.

On conflicts of Interest

The program chairs require cooperation from both authors and program committee members to prevent submissions from being evaluated by reviewers who may have a conflict of interest. During the submission, authors should identify members of the program committee with whom they have a conflict of interest. Conflict of interest includes but not limited to: advisors and advisees (at any time in the past); authors and PC members who share an institutional relationship; professional collaborations (regardless of whether they resulted in a publication) that occurred within the prior two years; line-of-management relationship, grant program manager, close personal relationships.