College and Career Connections

Welcome to College and Career Connections!!!!

This class is a hands-on, real-world exploration into the world of careers and how to attain them.

Using the 16 Career Clusters that the state of Ohio has adopted, this class will use activities, discussions, projects and online resources to research, reveal and recommend career choices for students.

We will dive deeper into specific careers with guest speakers, field trips and "mini-mastery" of in-demand fields.

Hopefully, students will take the information gained from this class and direct themselves to a lifetime of educational and professional success!

CCC Syllabus

This is the Syllabus and Rules Page for College and Career Connections

Click on the arrow to see the full page!

CCC - Career Plan Template 2019-2020

This is the Career Portfolio students will be creating and adding information to all Semester!

Click on the arrow to see the full slide show!