Classroom Parent

Elementary Room Parent

Each elementary classroom will have an Elementary Room Parent(s). The Elementary Room Parent serves as the classroom liaison between the teachers and the other classroom parents with the goal of helping to build and strengthen the community. The room parent will be connected to the PSC and will commit to serve for one full school year*. The Elementary Room Parent is not expected to do everything; rather the Elementary Room Parent serves with a welcoming and willing heart to gather other parents and support the GIS community.

Secondary Class Parent

*Pending Secondary Admin Approval

Each secondary class will have one to two Secondary Class Parents. The Secondary Class Parents serve as the liaison between the class sponsors and parents with the goal of helping to build and strengthen the community. The Secondary Class Parents are not expected to do everything; these parents serve with their unique skills/abilities and a willingness to gather other parents and support the GIS community.

How It Works

The class or room parent will coordinate with the teacher (elementary) or class sponsor (secondary) to:

  • Host a gathering for all grade-level parents to meet one another at the start of the school year (by the end of September). We want to welcome parents and provide a sense of belonging to the class together.

  • Connect with the teacher / class sponsor at the beginning of the school year. Ask them how you might be able to assist this year and provide them with your contact info.

  • Assist the teacher (elementary) or class sponsors (secondary) in organizing grade level fundraising events, class activities, etc in order to foster community within the students and families of the class. Assist in other ways as requested.

  • Add each family to the grade-level Facebook group by the end of September or as soon as possible.

  • Network with all the parents of various nationalities within your child’s classroom, gaining help from the Thai, Korean and Chinese PSC members if needed.

  • Coordinate one classroom-wide teacher appreciation event/gift during the school year. This is separate from a school-wide appreciation that will also be done at some point in the year. Hopefully, this is personal and specific encouragement for the teacher.

Contact a PSC representative or email to inquire.