Welcome to the GIS Secondary!

We are so excited to begin the 2021-22 academic year.

In an effort to more efficiently communicate, given the constant changes this school year will likely bring, we have created this as a resource for parents and students to start the year. Referencing a student schedule and navigating using the content areas listed at the top of each page, you will find syllabi and videos for each course taught in the Secondary. Syllabi contain needed supplies, contact information, procedures, policies, and course topics.

As always, please contact us with any questions you may have!

Academic Counselor: counselor@gisthailand.org

Attendance: attendance@gisthailand.org

Questions & Miscellaneous.: secondary.office@gisthailand.org

Scheduling: scheduling@gisthailand.org

Secondary Principal: secprincipal@gisthailand.org

Expecting BIG things in the Secondary this year!

May the Lord bless and keep you,

Ms. Randolph