
Smart learners

We are learning to be confident and clever with our devices and follow the Kawa of Care

Challenge to close device lids and look to the teacher.


Create your own animation using slides.

    • Maximum of 25 slides
    • Simple story - beginning, middle, end.
    • Use your Taken writing for ideas

Note: Use tips for drawing from Jack's blog.

Exploring Blogs

Manaiakalani bloggers enjoy sharing their learning. Explore some of their blogs. While you explore notice:

  • What personal information have the bloggers shared on their blog profiles?
  • What other information are Manaiakalani learners sharing on their blogs?
  • What do you know about these bloggers?
  • What do these blog profiles have in common?
  • Who is visiting their blogs? Explore the Recent Comments gadget and the Live Traffic Feed and World Map on each blog to see which countries visitors are from.
  • Explore a blog as a group. Share and compare with a buddy or small group (3 people max)

Use Screencastify to create a tour of your blog. Include: title, gadgets, blog posts, how to comment.

Blogs Rollout and Introduction

Blogger set up
  • Make a copy, Rename, File
  • Follow the instructions on the drawing.

About Me

  • Make your own copy of the drawing
  • Follow the instructions in the drawing to create an introduction about you on your blog.
  • Submit your drawing to the form linked on the drawing. This will be used to add it to your blog as a gadget .

Strong Passwords

Smart Learners: Passwords
Password Posters

Using Images

Smart Learner: Reuse and attribute an image
Cybersmart Drawings

Kawa of Care

Smart Learners in GisInt

Digital Dig

Digital Dig 2019