
GIS Infrastructure and Applications

Environmental Consulting and Mapping

Remote Sensing

Field Surveys and Water Quality

Project Management

Drone (UAS) Survey and Mapping

Web Mapping Applications


Detailed Scope of Services

Consulting services in GIS applications and customization

GIS database development and asset collection

Coastal and marine environmental services consulting using GIS

Environmental assessment and mapping.

Advanced remote sensing image analysis and classification products

Water quality algorithm implementation and development

GIS and remote sensing equipment acquisition and implementation

Water optics implementation and deployment

Advanced high resolution image processing, water quality ocean color algorithm development. 

Implementation of water optics for estimation of environmental parameters.

Basic and advanced training in GIS and Remote Sensing technologies

Integration of web mapping services

Mobile GIS data collection solutions

Environmental field inspections and logistics

Water quality and environmental instrumentation and sampling

Groundwater model development and application

Stakeholder engagement and participatory mapping activities.

Production of cartographic media

Technical reporting and publications services