Santa Teresa Elementary Grading Rubrics

A Brief Explanation of the Grading Scale

There are new performance levels and behavior indicators for the standards-based grading scale are as follows:

  • A “4” indicates the student is working independently on above grade level concepts and skills. Typically, this level is attained by few students.

  • A “3” demonstrates mastery and independent application of grade level skills and concepts. A “3” is the goal for grade level mastery and should be celebrated.

  • A “2” indicates a student has not yet mastered the standards but is showing progress toward achieving the skills and concepts for grade level mastery. Additional support from teachers and family is needed.

  • A “1” indicates the student does not demonstrate understanding of the skills and concepts expected at the grade level. Intervention is needed from teacher and family.

  • A “0” indicates the student shows no evidence of proficiency or had not made any attempt to show proficiency. Intervention is needed from teacher and family.