Title I – Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)


The Office of State and Federal Programs supports the District through several avenues. One is the coordination of entitlement funds available to the District from the Federal Government through the Every Child Succeeds Act and the Ohio Department of Education. The second is working with the District Leadership Team to develop a Continuous Improvement Plan to assist with instructional strategies to improve student achievement. In coordinating state and federal entitlement funds, the Office of State and Federal Programs works closely with the Office of Curriculum and Instruction and Special Education to provide supplemental resources and services for all buildings in the District focused on raising student achievement. Services performed by the office include monitoring federal regulations as identified by law, the expenditure of funds, and professional development for instructional personnel.


Through the use of our Federal Programs, our students have educationally benefitted with reduced classroom sizing and the support of one on one and classroom state-licensed tutors.  Also, our Title I Family Support Nights have provided our families with strategies and resources to improve academic achievement and the overall educational experiences of our students.