Lark Smith




the name's lark smith and don't forget it!!

vote for me and we'll make our senior year the best one yet!!

a little about myself

  • i'm a junior at chs with BIG plans for the future!

  • i'm addicted to ring pops and boba

  • i love baking for my friends, going on runs, watching movies, and driving anytime i can :D

  • i'm involved in the reading and writing club, interact, and i'm on the varsity dance team

  • i enjoy helping out those around me and being someone that others can rely on

why should you vote for me?

funny you should ask, i've got a list right here :)


Woah, you forgot something? Don't worry, I got you covered! I'm a very thorough person and I enjoy being prepared, so chances are I'll be there to lend a helping hand if you need me! I'm rather responsible with my time and resources, so you can trust me with a class position like this!


If you need someone to lead a group project, organise a fundraiser, or start a revolution, I'm your girl! I'm very ambitious, social, and I've had plenty of experience facilitating over others in various programs, which makes me the perfect fit to join the class office!


I always say where there's a will, there's a way. Right now, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to become the senior class treasurer and make our senior year be the best one yet! And when I have my eye on something, there's no stopping me from getting it!

what do i want?

besides your vote? there's two main goals for me

a positive environment at chs!

It's been tough dealing with online school, so hopefully we can make things go as close to normal as possible with our 2021-2022 school year! I want to make the campus a fun place for students to lift up their spirits, enjoy school (ironic, isn't it?) and be able to be themselves!

the school spirit to be revived!

I don't know about you, but I for one really looked forward to the class points we earned during spirit days. And who doesn't love to sow some harmless competition? I know that our class can beat the others with spirit points and bring the hype of school events back to the campus!



lark smith campaign video

come stalk me on my socials lol

instagram: @lark_johanna

snapchat: @lark_johanna

discord: hummingbird#4659