Montse Bucio for Junior Vice-President

Having a Fun Junior Year? Of course its possible.

If we work together, with good ideas, and a great bonding.

Lets make our Junior year one of the best ones so we can have unmemorable memories.

I want to give you your best Junior year, have you ,motivated to go to school and have fun while studying.

Hey Cougars!! My Name is Montse Bucio and this time I'm running to be your Junior Vice-President. I know it might be a hard challenge if we go back and try to get things back to normal. But we can do it right? I'm pretty sure that if we work together we can have an awesome year full of fun activities and unmemorable memories. So Vote Montse for the first pre Covid Junior Vice-President, Vote Montse for the Coming Soon in person School Year!

For more information, ideas, opinions or concerns please email me or dm me at or my IG mon.21b

Thank you Cougars and have a great day!

Don't forget to vote for Montse as your next Junior Vice President on May 7th!

Remember, Vote Montse for the first post-Covid Junior Vice-President, Vote Montse for the Coming Soon in person School Year!