Second Grade
Guidance Lesson September 28- October 2
Hi boys and girls! This week we are going to learn about the invisible bucket that is over top of everyone's head! I bet you didn't even know you had one! Please click on the link below to watch the story.
"How Full Is Your Bucket for Kids" by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer
See if you can answer these questions:
Felix was building a tower with blocks. What did he say when his sister wanted to build with him?
How did she feel when he said no?
What was floating above Felix's head the next morning?
Felix's bucket started out full in the morning. What happened when some of the kids made fun of him?
How did Felix feel when his bucket was almost empty?
Felix's day started to get better when his teacher loved the paper he wrote. Then his whole day started going better. What did he learn about being a bucket filler?
How did he fill his sister's bucket?
How can you be a bucket filler?
Complete the Feelings Check In below:

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