About Me
A little about me...
I have been teaching for 6 years. I love my job! I get to come to school every day with 19 faces excited to see me and learn new things! It does not get much better than that.
I grew up in South West Virginia in the town of Christiansburg on a small family farm. I have been in this area my whole life. After graduating high school, I decided to pursue my dream of becoming an educator by going to Radford University. After graduating, I worked as a substitute until I achieved my goal of having my own classroom.
I think it is important for my students and families to know more about me.
A few things about me that you may not know:
My family and husband are very important to me. We try to do things together as a family and explore new places through travel in and out of the country whenever we can!
I have been out of the country a few times. We went to Ireland this past summer. I have also been to England, France, Italy, The Dominican Republic, Belgium, Germany and Austria. I love to talk about the places I have been to with my students and show them where they are on a map.
I also love to cozy up with a good book and read, see new movies, and go outdoors!
I love coffee... most of the times my students know me best with a coffee cup in my hand to start the day!
I have a super cute cat named Oliver.
Chocolate- of any kind- is my favorite sweet treat.
I have wanted to be a teacher since I was in elementary school pretending to be like my favorite teachers in school.
I believe that every day is a new chance and start no matter what happens!
How to reach me:
Classdojo- I use this for contact and sharing your children's amazing work and fun photos from class.