
Mrs. Corboy

Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting!

I have been a teacher for over 18 years. Every year, it is so exciting to watch students grow in their knowledge and independence! The library is a wonderful place for students learn about the amazing world around them and to discover their own special place in it. I hope YOU will find something that you love in the library! That thing you love may be a good book, or even a new subject or skill that in turn inspires you to learn and do more.

Some of my favorite things are books, art, photography, music, nature, and time spent with my family and friends. I live with my husband, Brian, and my daughter, Sarah, right here in Giles County. We think we are lucky to live in such a beautiful place!

It's fun to find surprises in nature!

I found a robin's shell. Hiding inside was a tiny snail!

A baby Eastern red-spotted newt is called an eft.

This little one was hanging out on our back porch. They are BRIGHT orange!