Let's Practice!

Practice Tracks 

Below you will find practice recordings for all of our songs. Click on any link to hear your part played on the piano.

Holiday Lights Pt 1 and Pt 2 (1st 2 verses)

Holiday Lights Pt 1 (3rd verse)

Holiday Lights Pt 2 (3rd verse)

Holiday Lights (YouTube)

Winter Fantasy (Accompaniment Track)

Candlelight Canon (Pg 3)

Candlelight Canon (Pg 4)

Candlelight Canon (Pgs. 5-8)

Candlelight Canon (YouTube)

Peace, Peace (All pages)

Peace, Peace (YouTube)

Current Sheet Music

Here is our sheet music for this quarter for you to practice with. Click on a title and you will see the music.

Holiday Lights Winter Fantasy Candlelight Canon Peace, Peace