Welcome to GPS Zone Summer Camp

Mesquite Junior High School

The Zone

Ages 11-14

Mesquite Junior High School

130 W Mesquite St

Gilbert, Arizona 85233

Parent Pick Up and Drop Off Maps

Site Phone


General camp information.


Registration Fee: $50 (includes 1 camp T-shirt)

Consistent Schedule: $40 a day/ $180 a week

Pick Your Week Schedule: $180 a week (requires a Monday-Friday schedule)

Pick Your Days: $40 a day

During Summer Camp, we will be invoicing every two weeks. Once the account has been invoiced, you WILL NOT be able to make changes to the dates that were invoiced (see Billing and Payments tab for dates). A $10 late fee, per day, will be assessed to the cost of the day if adding a Drop-in Day the day before needed or if the site posts an unscheduled day for your child.

There will be an unscheduled fee of $10 plus the normal cost of the day, if your child attends Summer Camp on any days they are not scheduled for.

A late fee of $1.00 a minute will be added on for every minute after 6:00PM.

Billing and Payments

Billing and Payments:

A non-refundable registration fee will be due at time of registration. During Summer Camp, we will be invoicing every two weeks. Once the account has been invoiced, you WILL NOT be able to make changes to the dates that were invoiced.

  • Invoice May 23rd for weeks of June 2-June 10, due on May 27th

  • Invoice June 6th for weeks of June 13-June 24, due on June 10th

  • Invoice June 20th for weeks of June 27-July 8, due on June 24th

  • Invoice July 5th for weeks of July 11-July 20, due on July 8th

All Summer Camps will be closed on Monday, July 4th.

Required Documentation

All campers must have turned in the following documents before attending our GPS Summer Camp

  • Immunization Records (Out of District Students)

  • Field Trip and/or Activity Permission Forms

Important Dates

First Day of Summer: Thursday June 02, 2022

Last Day of Summer: Wednesday July 20th, 2022

Summer Camp will be closed on July 4th in observance of Independence Day.

For questions in regards to registration, billing, and all financial concerns, please contact the Community Education Business Office at 480.892.9089 or communityedbusinessdept@gilbertschools.net