Mrs. Kochaji's First Grade Class 2019-20

Welcome to first grade at Canyon Rim Elementary, home of the Cougars! I'm excited for our year together.

Mrs. Kochaji

Hi, parents and students. Welcome to our website. While we are away from each other, I will use this website to post review/ enrichment activities as well as resources you may use to help your child at home. There are tabs in the upper right hand corner for the specific learning pages, for example, reading practice or math practice. Just click on the word (tab) and it will take you to the next page. A great place to start is with the cyber safety link below. Please remember that this is optional and meant to review skills while school is closed. Have fun, learn, and stay connected! I miss you all!

Contact Info: You may contact me (or any other employee of GPS) by addressing an email as follows: “my first name” + “period” + “my last name” + “@” + “” Please use bridgette.francokochaji in this format to contact me.

Visit the district website

Directions for Infinite Campus:

Cyber Safety

Please use this link to the left to teach your child about basic cyber safety. Remember, parental supervision is the best way to keep your child safe online!