S.T.E.A.M. Club

About STEAM Club at Mesquite

The Mesquite Elementary STEAM club provides before-school opportunities for students in 5th & 6th grades to explore activities related to STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math. It began about eight years ago at the request of a group of students who wanted to do more STEM activities than a typical school day allowed. Since that time it has continued to grow and evolve to meet the needs of new groups of students each year. Students must register and have parent permission to participate in STEAM and space is limited.

In 2021-22, ten different MES teachers led weekly activities bringing their experience, knowledge and passion for STEAM topics to life for students in ways that engaged the kids in problem-solving real-world situations in creative collaborative ways. The 2022 - 23 STEAM curriculum is being developed and more information will be shared as it is available. In the meantime, the schedule is available for those of you who like to plan ahead.

In addition to activities at school we have had opportunities in years past to take students to iFLY in Scottsdale to learn about wind tunnels as well as to the Diamondbacks' stadium to explore the science of baseball. Obviously these opportunities have been limited since spring of 2020 but we are looking forward to the time when we are able to do these things again!

Our most popular off-campus adventure is the California trip where students have had the opportunity to see how concepts learned in the club are applied in real life. For more information of the trip, please use this link.

California Trip* February 17-19, 2023 TRIP CANCELLED

These are the dates. Please note final payment for the trip is due before winter break (no later than 12/16.22) and a packing meeting is scheduled for 2/10/23. An itinerary and more information about the trip can be found on the trip page.