Student Resources

Hey Mathematicians!

We'll continue to utilize our Google Classroom as the 'go to' place for all things Math! There you will find video updates in the 'Stream', as well as all units for this year under 'Classwork'. Within these units are all the necessary notes, videos, presentations, activities, assignments, and support needed to be successful with all 7th-grade Math Standards.

When we last left off before Spring Break, we were working within 'Geometric Figures' where you will remember we were working on Angle Relationships, finding the missing value for a variable when writing an Algebraic Equation, and finally, the characteristics of the side lengths with a triangle (Do you remember what they are?). We will continue moving onward with some review and then working with Circles. I'm looking forward to this new opportunity to learn together and I know we will find success moving forward.

Best Resources for Independent Learning:

*Log into both sites with Google for access to independent resources*

Khan Academy

How do I best Use Khan Academy? (Video from Ms. Carter)


Grading Practices for Remote Learning (March 26, 2020)