Contact Information:


(megan clement)

About Me:

Hello, I am Mrs. Clement. Teaching is an absolute passion of mine. I am so excited to work with you and your child. It’s going to be a year full of fun, learning, and growing - filled with so many adventures. I can’t wait to see what the year has in store for us! I thought you might like to know a little bit about me. I was born in Mesa, and grew up in Gilbert, Arizona. I am privileged to come from a family of educators and am proud to be continuing that tradition and legacy. I graduated from ASU, go Devils! I am married to my best friend who is a wonderful husband and father to our children. We are blessed with five beautiful children, three boys and two girls that we love to pieces! “All together, is our favorite place to be!” We especially love going to the beach, camping, road trips, Soda Rush, and visiting cousins in Texas and Utah. My family takes up most of my free time, but some hobbies that I enjoy are baking, crafting, and reading.

I am thrilled to be in my 13th year of teaching! It is my mission to instill a love for learning within each one of my students. I am thankful to be teaching at Augusta Ranch Elementary. It is a wonderful community and I feel privileged to be surrounded by the most amazing students, staff, and parents. I look forward to learning about your child and aiding in their many successes this year.