Testimonials from Parents

A wise decision

2024, Parents of P3B George Ko

It was a wise decision to choose Gigamind Primary School for my child. Over the past three years, my child has thrived at Gigamind Primary School and eagerly looks forward to attending school every day. The students at the school have a harmonious relationship, demonstrating respect, happiness, and love towards one another.  

When my child applied for primary school during a severe epidemic, Gigamind Primary School was the only school among the options that conducted physical interviews. The school believes that physical interviews offer a better opportunity to observe the true and confident side of children. Moreover, the small campus allows for effective control of the flow of people and coordination. The ability to conduct physical interviews was highly suitable for my child. 

After my child passed the physical interview, I had the same positive impression as when I watched the principal's introduction to the school online. The small campus fosters a friendly environment where teachers and staff engage in open conversations and laughter. 

The interview atmosphere was relaxed and comfortable, rather than formal and serious. The principal and teachers are all kind and approachable, setting Gigamind Primary School apart from other schools. 

Throughout my child's three years of study, l have noticed that the school's educational philosophy focuses on providing every student with equal opportunities. For instance, during music performances, the school does not solely select outstanding children to perform. Instead, all students are encouraged to participate. Although the quality of the performances may vary, the school's goal is not to achieve outstanding results in the eyes of adults. Rather, they aim to ensure that every child has the chance to partake in the performance and experience the joy and satisfaction of rehearsals. These experiences create lasting memories of performing in front of parents and fellow students. 

Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my decision to choose Gigamind Primary School for my child's education. The school's nurturing environment, inclusive approach, and emphasis on providing opportunities for all students have made it an exceptional choice. 

愛的看顧和勉勵 ♥ In the Embrace of Love ♥

 -- 2024 P3S 陳熙文和 P1B 陳譽甄 家長

我們一直渴望孩子們可以入讀激活英文小學,讓孩子們可以在基督教愛的氛圍下成長是最理想不過。我的孩子是比較內向的孩子,在疫情期間,和同輩溝通交流的機會少之又少。及至之後復課,她們仍然需要一段時間調整適應。與人相處和溝通成為她們學知識以外重要的一課。當中也有不容易的時候,非常感謝Ms Teresa and Ms Sharon 在當中的愛心包容接納和耐心聆聽,她們讓孩子認識一個在自己以外一個更寬闊的世界,讓孩子學習表達,讓孩子的生命一步一步强壯起來。這是作為家長最感恩的。愛成為了她們成長中最大的推動力。

好感恩孩子在激活除了遇到有愛心的老師社工外,她們也認識到好同學,尤其是大女的同學Amber. 她們學習到愛人愛己,學習怎樣彼此建立生命,讓生命變得更豐盛美麗。這比課堂的知識更重要。


-- 2024 P4B 莊晴琋 家長


到了三年級,學校合唱團参加聖誕頌歌節,地點是尖沙咀1881外。在老師鼓勵下她表演小提琴獨奏,在表演時,她的小提琴突然斷線無法演奏,當時的她皺著眉頭不知所措。表演結束後,老師上前跟她說:「Take it Easy .. 以後還有很多機會!」她才放下了心頭的大石。到了晚上,老師還發了一條短信給我,問問她是否因 "斷線事件" 而不開心。

今年四年級的聖誕, 她到伊利沙伯中學表演小提琴獨奏。在面對台下觀眾時,她臉帶微笑再沒有緊張的感覺了。



-- 2024, P5B Anson Yeung 和P3S Hayden Yeung 家長

大家好!我是5B Anson Yeung 和3S Hayden Yeung 媽媽。 回想我兩兒子第一天上小學的那天,他們懷著戰戰兢兢的心情,走進陌生的新學校,不懂與人溝通。轉眼間,小男孩們已長高了。他們不再徬徨、孤獨、而是熱愛上學的少年,變得勇敢慷慨。

在這所充滿愛的學校,他們結識了很多同學。幸運地亦遇上關愛和鼓勵他們的校長、老師和教職員。作為家長,我們十分感謝學校能夠提供有素質的多元化小班教學。感激老師們賞罰分明,讓他們明白守規矩的重要性。最近,體育科老師Mr.Kelvin挑選我倆兒子參加籃球訓練,讓他們建立了自信心。還有的是很感謝P5B 班主任Miss Edith,在最令家長頭痛的青少年期,同學們開始想要自己的主見時作出耐性及指引著他們。能夠遇到這樣好的老師,真的是我倆兒子福氣呢!

激活小學是一間學習非常互動的學校,除了學習書本的知識外,在不同的學術科目裡,老師還會根據課程讓學生們自行組隊做話劇、討論題目、進行實驗、設計構思,令學生們對課程更了解明白。令我印象深刻的是綜合學習科(integrated study),科老師Miss Avery給予學生機會讓他們自己動手做實驗,兒子Anson和Hayden由構思設計、蒐集材料、步驟程序等等…都是他們自己探索。過程中或許失敗,老師和家長在旁給他們建議,最後成功地完成他們的「傑作」。除了滿滿的成功感外,還讓他們更透徹探索這個科目。除此之外,學校還會按每科的題目、安排實地考察,讓學生們跳出校園,彌補在書本上難以學到的知識,非常「貼地」。


"Gives a heavenly childhood back"

-- 2024, 5S Amica’s parent

Gigamind, in my 11-year-old daughter's own words, is a primary school that "gives a heavenly childhood back" to her! All speak English here the whole day, in classroom or parks. Do projects and group discussion in English and take English books back home to read every day. 

She also said, "Joining Gigamind is the best choice I have ever made. I am so lucky to have my classmates here. They are helpful, innocent and polite. They always encourage me. No mocking. No bullying. We are a loving family!" Primary 4-6 can play together, playing chess and other boardgames, playing badminton and basketball or even catch and hide-and-seek freely in parks. "The recess is full of fun! We are so close, and I know everyone here!" She is picky but she relishes the lunch! I am very glad to see that she enjoys going to school every day and comes back with a wide smile and a load of happy news to tell me. Her confidence and fluency in English speaking progress remarkably. I want to express my hearfelt gratitude to our principal and all the caring staff and janitors here for lighting up all her days in Gigamind.


-- 2023, 6B Harper Chan家長

Harper 由內向被動少說話的小女孩轉變為今天在媽媽心目中開朗主動的少女。

感謝校長,老師和校務處各員工的悉心教導,讓Harper 學懂欣賞及正向價值觀。

Harper 每天都很期待上學,小班教學令她得到老師們的關懷,讓Harper 感受到激活是一間充滿愛的學校。


讓我感受最深就是每天放學,Harper 都會急不及待和我分享在學校發生的點滴,充滿歡笑聲的演講,我也被她感染,做媽媽見到女兒開心已經覺得很滿足。

在我角度只想女兒每天愉快學習,得到關愛,說是簡單,但在媽媽眼中Harper 已經能真正做到了。 每位小朋友都是與別不同,感恩Harper 曾是激活大家庭的一份子。

A no-brainer choice

It has been 7 years since we joined the Gigamind family in 2016.  Our daughter Millie was graduated from the school last year, and our younger son Aiden is now in P2. 

Both my kids love this school – from the teachers to the students to the nurturing environment.  The school perfectly integrates compassion into their teaching standards, emphasizes the importance of values, and builds leaders through various classes and activities.

Undoubtedly Gigamind is a small school, but it gives nothing less to their students when compared with their renowned counterparts.  Each student here is getting more attention in his learning, having more opportunities and participations in lessons and school activities, as well as receiving more freedom and respect in expressing his own thoughts.

Gigamind brings out the best in every child by tapping into their individual strengths, while creating an environment of kindness, responsibility, and leadership.  And teachers are passionate about seeing their students succeed.  We always feel amazed when the teachers share the moments of pride they see within our children – their good behaviors and achievements.  

It needs a great team to run a great school with caring environment and cheerful atmosphere.  All the school staff, teaching or non-teaching, are enthusiastic about education thus making Gigamind a better place for learning.  So for us it was a no-brainer to send our kids to this school.



此外,老師在課堂上採用互動學習,鼓勵學生發問及發表個人意見,有些功課設計沒有固定答案,可以誘發他的想像及思考能力;另外由於功課量不多,沒有大量抄寫功課,令他能輕鬆學習, 可以發展個人興趣,陶冶性情。

老師定期根據學生在課堂上學習的主動性及態度,選出每月的『Super Star』,而Tate亦數次成為不同科目的每月之星,以表揚他主動參與課堂學習,這樣可以加强他的自信及對學校的歸屬感。

最近中文課學習成語,老師分組安排學生做皮影戲,同學們自己分工合作,Tate負責寫劇本、旁白、及擔任齊宣王兒子的角色, 看到他很興奮與我們分享,也很積極負責他的角色,感受到他真的很投入這種學習模式,可以令他所學到的知識有更深刻的印象。

從第一日開學開始, 我們從來沒有聽過Tate提及不想上學的念頭,反而在疫情期間,Tate卻很渴望能夠回校上課,可以跟同學們一起學習相處。我們感謝羅校長當日給予他入學機會,也感謝所有學校老師、職員、家長義工的付出,現在疫情過去,希望Tate及同學們能夠快樂學習,健康成長。


Hi,我是5 S 班陳禹晞的媽媽。我想藉著這個機會,分享一下我女兒在這所學校讀書的一些感受。









可惜擔心的事又來了,原因是想起將來若要教他們做功課時怎辦呢?因為知道學校所有科目除了中文科和RMD用中文外其他全部都是英文,而中文科也是用普通話,試問一個英文不懂,普通話又不懂的我怎樣去教他們呢?但是多想也沒用唯有見步行步,但原來也不是我想的那麼惡劣,因為他們很多都能自己明白怎樣做,而且一起做功課時他們還會教我一些英文字怎樣讀和是什麼意思,慢慢地我已經可以明白那些英文題目和意思,當然有些還是要查字典…哈哈…. 所以當初選擇這間學校的原因就是想他們能夠多些時間接觸英語和普通話,但估不到連自己的英語和普通話都進步不少。
