Remote Attendance Requirements

Attendance Requirements for Remote Learners

Students learning remotely are responsible for meeting attendance requirements just like students who attend school in person, but special rules have been established by the state to give students credit for remote attendance.

There are two attendance requirements that must be met:

  1. Attendance for Credit: Students must attend 90% of the days a course is offered to get credit for the course.

  2. Compulsory Attendance: Students must attend class to meet compulsory attendance requirements and to avoid being considered truant.

In order to be considered to be in attendance for each class, students must login to Schoology and make “progress” for each course. Students will be considered to have made progress by:

  1. Making daily progress in Schoology by completing the learning assignments and activities posted by the teacher in Schoology. Such as: watching videos, participating in discussions, reading and engaging with text, etc.

  2. Making daily progress via teacher-student interactions such as participation in Google Meetings, sending emails, or asking questions via the Schoology Course tools and discussion tools.

  3. Completing and turning in assignments, tests, and quizzes from student to teacher via Schoology.

Students MUST login and complete the classwork assigned for that day EVERY day between 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM. However, communication with teachers will generally only occur during regular school hours.

In addition to meeting the attendance requirements, students must also meet the grade criteria for passing their courses in order to receive credit for each course.