Year 3 Homework 

Friday  26th April 2024


Your homework for this week is below - your spellings homework and your times tables homework.

As always, please ask if you get stuck.  Homework is due back on or before Wednesday 

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Andrews and Mrs Baron

What's happening next week:

Maths - Fractions of amounts and expanded column addition method

English - Power of Reading project

PE - with Mr Hoare

Science - with Mr Howell

Design & technology - Moving Monsters

Computing - Research skills

Music -  with Mrs. Thomas

French - Items in my pencil case

Dates for your diary:

Monday 6th May - Bank holiday

Monday 13th May - Trip to Coniston Water Park, returning to school at 4.15pm

Friday 24th May - Final payment due for Hexham residential trip. Finish for May half term holiday.

Monday & Tuesday 10th and 11th June - Year 3 residential trip to Hexham, Birdoswald and Vindolanda 

English - Spellings

These are the words we have been revisiting this week.  Read the sentences and identify the mistakes, then rewrite them correctly.

April 26th Spellings

Maths - Times Tables

There are two times table challenge sheets below, on the 8 times table.

You don't need to write or draw the questions unless you want to, you can just write your answers.

26th April maths.pdf