Media Arts

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

― Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Assignment Dropbox

When uploading assignments make sure you include your name and assignment number. Ie: "Wiley - Assignment 3"

Unit 1

Focus: Audio/Video

Assignment 1- Create a storyboard for a short film or advertisement (PDF)

Assignment 2- Montage Project (PDF)

Assignment 3- Short Experimental Film (PDF)

Assignment 4- Create a short video of in a genre of your choice (must be researched, planned and outlined) (put "dl" in front of "y" in "youtube"

Unit 2

Focus: Typography

Assignment 1- Create a drawing using only letters (see : )

Assignment 2 - Create a logo for yourself using the letters in your name ( see: )

Assignment 3 - Typography Poster - create a poster using print as a main medium in your poster (PDF)

Assignment 4- Create a slideshow or info-graphic explaining what you believe are the most important elements of typography (15 terms minimum)

Unit 3

Focus: Animation

Assignment 1- Animated Painting (PDF)

Assignment 2 - Lyric Video. (See Rolling Stones: Doom and Gloom) (PDF)

Assignment 3- Hyperlapse video (See: ) (PDF)

Assignment 4 - Create a short Stop-motion film, using a medium of your choice (claymation, drawing, photography etc) (Must include planning, outline etc.)

Unit 4

Focus: Conceptual Design

Assignment 1- Create a cover for album, book, or film

Assignment 2- Minecraft sculpture (create 3 sculptures in Minecraft) (PDF)

Assignment 3- 3-D Model - (eg. Architecture, furniture, automobile, animal) using Google Sketchup or other program (PDF)

Unit 5

Focus: Creative Writing and Printing

Assignment 1- Reflect on theoretical readings (3) to improve elements of your writing (see Mr. Wiley for readings. Give a short summary of the ideas in each of your chosen readings and state how you plan to use what you have learned in your writing.

Assignment 2- Create a comic strip showing a scene, or short story (You can draw this yourself or use: Pixton, Storyboardthat, or Garfield comic creator)

Assignment 3- Complete Drafts for 4 "Writing Ideas" (see Mr. Wiley for details on each)

Assignment 4- Arrange and prepare a document/publication using publishing software (Lulu, Blurb, etc.)

Extended Project

Create an extended project as the culmination of your work, focusing in one of the areas above or combining your knowledge between units. Make sure you check your project with Mr. Wiley first.


Each unit will be weighted the same, with your Extended Project carrying the same weight as a unit.

  • Units (25% x 3) 75%
  • Extended Project 25%

General Rubric For All Projects

Media Arts Project Rubric