MEET Ms. Pierce

Watch your commas!

  • It's time to eat, children!

  • It's time to eat children!

I am looking forward to our adventures ahead. The best way to experience a new adventure is to actually be there and do it. The second best way to experience a new adventure is to read about it in a book. Books open our world to new places and new insight. One of my favorite quotes by Dr. Seuss is, "The more that you READ, the more things you will KNOW. The more that you LEARN, the more places you will go!"

Once you've embarked on a wonderful adventure, whether it be in a book or in person, I am going to have you write about it, right? Yes, but of course. Can't wait to meet you soon!

Since Ms. Pierce is currently on leave, please feel free to contact her long-term sub. Mrs. Amber Rose can be reached via email at