Explore our

Digital Scenes

We have created fun virtual experiences for Grades Pre-K through Grade 12 Explore the pictures and click on different objects to see where they lead you. You might find yourself in one of you favorite activities or... you just might discover something new!

Our interactive scenes are in grade level order but feel free to explore all.

Each scene has a minimum of 15 links to be found and might take a little time to load.

Our PRE-activities take us Outside for some Fun.

We Kick off our adventure at the Zoo.

The First experience takes us to The Barnyard.

On our Second experience, we relax at The Beach.

Our Third Adventure takes us on an Underwater Exploration.

On the Fourth experience we gather around the Campfire.

Our 5, 6, 7, and 8 scenes are very busy as we explore the many floors of an interactive museum.

Our High School students, 9, 10, 11 & 12 , will be busy taking a road trip around the world.