Welcome to the 'GoBeyond' award. Use this page to upload and record your achievements in each of the 3 strands of the award. The information you upload will be collated and sent to your tutor. They will then check in with you to see how you are progressing. If you think you have completed everything or have any questions just ask your tutor for support.

An important part of your personal development is how you build relationships and interact as a citizen within your communities. To complete this section you must complete 6 hours of volunteering as part of a community project.  

Pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone being somewhere new is a great way to learn about yourself. How do I relate to new people? How do I act when faced with a new challenge away from home?  In this section we challenge you to spend 2 days and 1 night away from home. This could be a school camp, a sporting tour or any other form organised residential. 

You learn the most about yourself when you persevere and are resilient. In this section, you must commit to learning a new skill or develop an existing to reach a new level. This can be anything - playing sport, learning a musical instrument or even learning how to play chess! You must commit to 6 hours to learn this new skill to complete the section.